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Friday, April 3, 2009

129 Types Of Annoying People You Should Kill

129 Types Of Annoying People You Should Kill
1) Relations who wait size 5 shoes.

2) Relations who make a stupid adjoin every time they don't understand everything, and who hence are making a stupid adjoin all the time.

3) The people who got picked first for sports teams in originally bookish.

4) Relations with deep voices.

5) Relations who wait so ominously perfume that bestow is an substantial plain flock of it all jaggedly them.

6) Relations who constantly influence at 70 km/h, whether the substantial speed allotment is 50 or 100.

7) Relations who show up missing to buy cigarettes from Rob. (If you don't bump into, don't ask.)

8) Telemarketers

9) Spotless cleaner salesmen.

10) Rabid Christian Vegetarians

11) Relations who look over at your collation and then, just as you are heady your chance to your jowl, say in an ironic comment of influence, "Oh, you're not going to eat THAT, are you?"

12) Relations who hum.

13) Quick undernourished people who cry loudly about how inept they are to sport to buy jeans that are about 4 sizes less important than the ones you're strenuous.

14) Relations who sphere to be uneducated of the fact that they sport repulsive B.O.

15) Relations who are so totally fit that you would love to antagonism them,if only they weren't so nice to you all the time.

16) Relations who drawback onto you and rant about everything they can think of until your ears leak.

17) Relations who talk loudly in declare places about their personal problems.

18) Vehicle designers.

19) Relations who prove on a even foundation that yes, bestow IS such a subject as a stupid question.

20) Relations who try to hum or sing along with heave music.

21) Salespeople who drawback onto you and say you jaggedly the store, asking if they can help you, until you either give up and buy everything, or go eccentric and slaughter them to temporary with a grow endure.

22) Personality who has sordid himself on this list and is writing me a snotty letter in opinion.

23) Mothers who let their youthful run jaggedly biting in provisions.

24) Mimes.

25) Relations who talk to you as if you were 4 natural life old.

26) Relations who meow.

27) Whoever intended Valentine's Day.

28) Quick youthful who sphere to be eating their all-encompassing summer pay a visit standing jaggedly in their yards and biting at the top of their offspring lungs.

29) Newscasters who smirk in a agile and open position as they tell you about unique in the nick of time disasters that sport resulted in dead.

30) Relations who use "times" as a verb, every time they mean "cultivate."

31) Relations who say "nucular" quite of "nuclear."

32) Sunup people.

33) Relations who don't perceive that it's ruthless to pick your snout in declare.

34) Relations who explanation booming questions.

35) Unyieldingly agile people.

36) Barney.

37) Whoever first came up with the conception of Barney.

38) Relations who explanation booming questions wrongly.

39) Capacious people who sit right in have an advantage of you in theatres.

40) Relations who appear to sport had their brains of humor surgically jejune.

41) Relations who read the continue descendants and are now going "huh?"

42) Dentists who try to sport a conversation with you while they are in commission on your teeth and you can't answer.

43) Sports commentators.

44) Relations in your music class who say stuff like, "Oh, can we do theory today, sir?"

45) Relations who snicker at their own jokes before they've in truth reached the zest line.

46) Relations who eat bad-smelling food, such as tuna, in constricted areas.

47) Personality who is attempting to survey my personality based on this list.

48) Relations who talk baby-talk.

49) Whoever intended high-heeled shoes.

50) Whoever intended underwires.

51) Relations who own a small dog, and treat it like it's their youngster, putting stupid sweaters on it and sack it with them everywhere they go.

52) Rat boy. (Another time, if you don't bump into, don't ask)

53) Relations who tell long, make fancy jokes that sphere to go on permanently, and then harass up the zest line.

54) Whoever determined that The Vendor of Venice was in some way faulty to study in bookish.

55) Relations who sport full it upon themselves to support up the world, whether the world wants to be cheered up or not.

56) Relations who make grammatical mistakes while petulant that no one uses actual grammar anymore.

57) Relations who erratically turn nouns into verbs.

58) Relations who are so rest to be politically correct that they are no longer able to overall a belief without the aid of a lawyer.

59) Relations whose opinion to any serve is to search jaggedly for assistant to sue.

60) Relations who sell mysticism door-to-door.

61) Relations who think they can prove or disprove the position of a god.

62) Relations with poor personal purity.

63) Relations who sit in a declare place and pick stuff out of their down.

64) Mothers who rinse their trainee faces with goal.

65) Mothers who are in some way able to insult the hard-wearing of a small youngster constantly shrieking "mom!" in the hidden of a office store.

66) Relations who put gum on desks and bus sitting room.

67) Relations who, equidistant plus the bookish appointment, find in their closet a thermos that has been bestow to the same degree the supervisor of the appointment, and then, god only knows why, series to open it, for that reason sensational the world at large to the smell of mouldy veal noodle potage.

68) Relations who say "Hot satisfactory for you?"

69) Personality who has ever thought "It's not the stuffiness, it's the dampness."

70) Relations for whom it is constant a huge dwell on to ask for their vacillating guts of the like crazy conspicuous.

71) Relations who cannot or will not particular the fact that cats are fundamentally guilty.

72) Relations who let their cats run limp and get into everyone's nonsense.

73) Relations who are able to understand writing all-encompassing episodes of the Simpsons.

74) Relations who try to convince you that the world is right a allure, trustworthy, agile place, if only you look at it right.

75) Vegetarians who are self-satisfied about it. (celery is a conscious subject, too, you know!)

76) Relations who, allay if you pulled a gun on them, would not be able to parcel their minds jaggedly the conception that you right don't like them.

77) Relations who dash a totally new rise on life every couple of months, and then feel assured to tell you about it in great count, whether you want to harvest it or not.

78) Relations who tell you the fragmentation of a silver screen before you've seen it. (Anthony Perkins is his own mother!)

79) Relations who sit go bust you in silver screen theatres and loudly point out conspicuous procedures in the silver screen as they toss

80) Relations who lead the word "advertise" with 2 syllables.

81) Relations who talk to malfunctioning deal machines, like it's suddenly going to turn out that the contrivance right CAN sell them a chocolate bar, and it was just waiting to harvest the charm words.

82) Relations who crunch with their mouths open.

83) Relations who restart themselves.

83) Relations who restart themselves.

84) Relations who don't bump into that they sport bad telltale sign.

85) Relations who crunch watermelon gum.

86) Relations who bring in tunelessly.

87) Relations who talk to supervise and silver screen characters, as if the characters can harvest them.

89) Relations who pick their teeth in declare.

90) Relations who meet onto jokes just very following than everyone exceedingly.

91) Relations who think they can sing, but who right can't.

92) Unfunny people who right be inclined to that they sport allure brains of humor.

93) Relations who be inclined to that making bad puns is the fantastically as having a clue of humor.

94) The so-called "artists" who enrichment inhabit movie of vases of flowers and cross-eyed cats that are old hat in fine shopping malls everywhere.

95) Relations who in truth buy thought movie, and hang them in their conscious rooms, and think that this mechanism that they are academic.

96) Whoever first determined that plant sales outlet students require sport to make movie by gluing pasta onto cardboard.

97) Phys. ed teachers.

98) Fill people who are always making craft-type projects, and who hence are always wiles people to put aside stuff that are boldly nonsense, such as egg cartons and pistachio ammo.

99) Relations who give fruitcakes as hopeless Christmas presents.

100) Relations who mow their lawns at 8:00 on a Sunday first light.

101) Relations who call for on altruistic you nurturing advice, whether you want it or not.

I sport determined that, allay though 101 is a lovely number for a list such as this, the rest of the deep people in the world are getting off too translucently, so I am going to run to add to the list.

102) Relations who say "That's nevertheless the point."

103) Relations who meow Christmas songs in May. (Yes, I in truth bump into people who do this.)

104) Relations who come into a room and bite "Like are you function" every time it is conspicuous what you are function and they right want to bump into why you are function it.

105) Relations who use the word "seriously" in conversation, regardless of whether or not you show any signs of debatable them.

106) Martha Stewart

107) Relations for whom at all Oprah Winfrey has thought solely is a huge influencing factor in village making.

108) Relations who unconsciously itinerary on every useless forwarded commerce that comes their way.

109) Relations who itinerary promote without bothering to cleanse the 7- or 8-thousand accumulated ">"s.

110) Relations who, every time talking about a single estimated person, will ability to be politically correct by using "their" or "them" quite of "his" or "him", for that reason kind their sentences grammatically sham.

111) Relations who itinerary you eight billion icq messages in a row while they're in "do not upset" mode, so that you sport to read their stupid offspring "do not upset" statement every time.

112) Relations who ask you a question, and then, properly one nanosecond following, explanation it for you, claiming that you're not thinking fast satisfactory.

113) Relations who will moderately with pleasure lead all funny words as if they were in fact English words, and then look stupefied every time you try to correct them.

114) Relations who are far too hopeless about collecting beanie litter, Pok'emon cards, or flight of the imagination figurines.

115) Relations who solicit your launder, and then return it with Kleenex in the pockets.

116) Relations who correct your grammar and twang and who urge you to do the fantastically given that they want to be cogent but are boldly seething with you every time you do.

117) Relations who call others on the friend and congregate them by saying "Hi, who's this?" as though they you called them!

118) The do-I-look-fat girls who ask only to harvest that they're not fat.

119) Relations who tell you you sport emotional problems.

120) Relations who ask every time you say "don't ask."

121) Relations who eternally call you ALL THE FREAKING time and don't get the hint you DON'T want to talk.

122) Relations who call and let the friend ring two times.

123) Relations who call and you say "I am eating buffet.." and they call back 5 minutes following. Hmmm and did I not say I was eating?

124) Relations who call, and every time you say "I'll call you back" they go bold and call you 90 million times quite.

125) Relations who keep talking and talking and talking every time you feel like sh** and don't feel like talking to character.

126) Relations who call you and in some way discover spinach to monkeys.

127) Relations who nasally end friend calls with "mmmmmbyebye."

128) Bossy offspring receptionists who ask your name by employing the succeeding phrase: "And you are...?"

129) Gossip Show Hosts.