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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pick Up Amazing Baby Using Kokology Games

Pick Up Amazing Baby Using Kokology Games

I was only 23 years old, but I've tried a lot of girls in my life (12 at all). I want to share this story... Yesterday I was running had the Approach Energy infield workshop. I dressed very stylishly, they can not resist. A few friends and I were pre-gaming with 80 proof liquor and walk into the bar. There was a lot of hot girls and for some reason, little guys. I spotted girl sitting in the crowd. She was very attractive girl.. I'll rate her an HB 8.5 for you guys..

She's got a pretty cute face, but her body is killer. A voice in my head goes 'nahhh man. She'll probably just reject you like the last 5 girls. There's no point...But you must try!' I sat down next to girl and open her with: 'How long have you been sitting here without me.' She said she was married. I said, what a coincidence, I am also married. Let's have a couple of cocktails. She said she does not mind. I was asking a few boring questions. I think this was important to build comfort. I advise Kokology Games. It is great! I use it and it helps me. I sit in front of her with a smile. After I thought 'man my touch escalation techniques and advanced calibration are so tight'. 'You're so horny!' she gasps with faux shock. 'So are you' I respond casually, while giving her intense sex eyes.

I asked her how hard she was having to control herself now. She laughed again and said, 'but I'm enjoying it'. I was DLVing out the ass by being a really sloppy drunk piece of shit. I put my hands on her hips inside her shirt, then went to finger her. I always do a good job of attracting girls and getting them to like me, the only problem is that my friends does a better job. Thank God they did not hinder me at this time. I said: I have to be honest with you. What's totally unique about this situation is that 99% of the girls I meet I can never just hang out with and chill and have great conversation and chemistry like you and I are having. Feel this comfortable with someone the physical part of it too is on an equal level.'. She agree with me. We relax and then we go to her place to smoke a joint. I close her this night and it was crazy and wonderful night.

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