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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Flirt With Sweet Baby Using Planned Massage Routine

Flirt With Sweet Baby Using Planned Massage Routine

Though i had a crasy night with closing i had good field report. This is a really long story but I'll try to keep it brief. I usually only go for girls that have something special. I'm pretty short (5'3) but I wear a good ol pair of Chuck tailors. I also have a worn Pair of leather Elevator shoes that make me 5'6. I went to this bellydancing club like every other night for like 3 weeks Sexy girls dancing on the dance floor, but they were with the guys. I spotted girl sitting in the crowd. She was a HB8 and one of the sexiest girls i've been seen.

Tall.. fit.. Raven hair.. nice olive skin.. obviously atleast part italian by her facial features.. I said to myself: Shit that's one hot babe, i should go talk to her! I said: You look great in that dress. She says 'you're weird'. And I say 'thank you' with a grin. Planned Massage Routine helped me put her into a small trance. I was a little alarmed its activity at first but the alcohol in my system chilled me out. She shakes her head while looking at the ground. She shivered and shot me a seductive glance.

I was already holding her by the waist. She said: You're a creep.. My answer: Yeah. If women keep rewarding me for being creepy, I don't have much incentive to change. To gain some more investment I have her buy me a few drinks at the bar bouncing her around. Suddenly she stopped my hand and mentioned she had a boyfriend. Boom, I stop instantly and say: 'We should not have to do it, im not this kinda guy. But when we started, we have to continue...' She said: 'Yes you are right'. It was a strange new toilet close experience.

How To Pick Girls Up title=