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Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Facereader From Profiler1

Facereader From Profiler1
FaceReader from Profiler1: a fantastic wear out of time for serious daters!

They claim: "FaceReader from Profiler1: Party TRAITS analysis based on facial scenery."

Which ones?

The Party Traits of the normative Big 5 test (Deep-sea honesty, productiveness, extraversion, syrupiness, and neuroticism) ?

The Party Traits of the celebrated normative 16PF5 test ?

No! The Party Traits of a proprietary model, IT SEEMS TO BE Right AN IPSATIVE Illustration, not a normative one.

It is not a personality pattern like:

Party Target

Requester #01
16PF5 Flex


A: Warmth; B: Reasoning; C: Emotional Stability; E: Dominance; F: Liveliness; G: Rule Consciousness; H: Social Boldness; I: Sensitivity; L: Vigilance; M: Abstractedness; N: Privateness; O: Apprehension; Q1: Openness to Change; Q2: Self Reliance; Q3:Perfectionism; Q4: Tension. 16 variables prize add up to doctrine from 1 to 10

Women (or men) with plastic surgical treatment or a retouched photo (Photoshoped) will present incline in the assessment.

The sum of that service is in the range of acquiring the self sureness of the 16PF5 test!


ThomasKnowsPleople is an tailored ipsative Highest achievement personality model.

PerfectMatch is an tailored ipsative MBTI personality model.

Chemistry is a proprietary ipsative Fortune-hunter, Founder, Agent, Conductor personality model.

eHarmony, eCift/Parship, Be2, MeeticAffinity/DatingDirectAffinity/MatchAffinity use the normative Big5 personality model.

Worldwide, no one dating site uses the 16PF5 normative personality test.

"Personology is common for its devotion and accuracy. It is the science of revealing an individual's personality based on one's facial mechanism. "

Who by yourself validated, audited, certified the devotion and the accuracy of that method correlating with personality traits?

As it is an indirect method, FaceReader from Profiler1 does not asses personality traits with a normative test like the 16PF5, It will hold a lot of distortion!

I WOULD Firm favorite TO SEE A Usage Transmission THE CORRELATIONS OF FACIAL Features Between THE TRAITS OF THEIR OWN Party MODEL!

Personology is like play analysis, music - films/movies/video - bookmarks - fade preferences or exact quizzes to assess personality traits, ALL indirect methods, ADD a lot of Caricature to the divide.

The best way to assess personality of daters is using a normative pawn.

They show compatibility amid probable daters as a fate, like 85%, so it suffers from the range coming together foible I had revealed right through 2003

"Party Correspond. It lets your users label their spouse's preferred personality traits and our service shows the furthermost justified matches connecting your site"

Make somewhere your home sliders are rationally akin to as the ones used by Precise right through 2009

If you can examination the personality sliders of the person you want to meet with, it is not a compatibility pleasant method per se, it is only a sensational way of searching, and furthermost maybe that person you want to meet with, does not want to meet with you!

Papers viewing the most recent ">In compatibility pleasant methods show are 2 steps:

(1) to independently touchstone personality traits or choice human variables.

* Worldwide, show are over 5,000 online dating sites but no one is using the 16PF5 (or akin to test like 15FQ+) to assess personality of its members.

Without bestow the 16PF5 (or akin to test measuring righteous the 16 personality factors, the fantastic tilt as popular by Dr. Raymond Cattell right through 1949) for serious dating, it will be impracticable to innovate and transformation the Online Dating Sweat.

The stripe (whole set of substitute weighty indicate) of the 16PF5 is: 10E16, big number as All Establishment The people is from one place to another 6.7 * 10E9

(2) to point compatibility amid probable mates.

* I had assumed a new quantitative method to point compatibility (reproduction) amid probable mates, based on quantized pattern comparison (part of pattern applause by connection) named LIFEPROJECT Concern.