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Monday, December 8, 2014

I Love The Concept That Reality Is Only An Individuals Perspective And Somehow Not Even Real

I Love The Concept That Reality Is Only An Individuals Perspective And Somehow Not Even Real


Through extensive studies of people's individual experiences it has been observed how that has affected their language patterns and of course influenced their understanding of reality. As a result of that research the NLP Metmodel was created. It is highly improbable that any one human being's perception of reality will be very similar to another's. Yes of course we will have some basic shared understandings of the world around us but on closer examination it will deviate from the next person.

To give you some kind of illustration of what I mean, imagine a group of 100 people in an audience seeing a particular character perform on stage that they have never seen before. Then take each person to one side afterwards and ask them to describe the character and you will get 100 varied descriptions. Certainly it would probably include some recurring themes and elementary similarities but mainly personal reflections of each individual's reality. Even if people questioned each other about exactly what they each saw, how could they describe it in terms that are measurable, because whatever comparisons people might make will be influenced by their individual perception of the object they compared it to. If you attempted to describe a sport that somebody had not heard of before, as an example if you were to describe Gaelic Football, you might say it is a bit like football and a bit like rugby and then point out some of the variations in between.

For further illustrations we might look more closely at some of our more personal items like maybe a favourite chair. For further illustrations we might look more closely at some of our more personal items like maybe a favourite hat. {Other people might view it as just another common item of headwear, or a kind of hat. }

The positive feelings experienced off from the example that I have given will impact on our perception of reality, whether we are aware of it or not.

A negative illustration might be someone seeing a dog being walked in the street that reminded them of a time when they were bitten as a child, now their view of the dog would be very different from the dog's owner who more likely has a deep affection for his pet.

With a mixture of the past and current experiences our own version of reality is not static and is frequently changing and evolving. The brain is like a computer in many ways and I see these changes as regular updates.

The NLP Metamodel outlines three types of mind maps and divides those into thirteen sub categories of patterns and presents a clear insight into understanding how our reality continues to evolve and why other people see things completely differently.

For full information on all categories and patterns of the Metamodel
