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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Advice For A Marine Girlfriend

Advice For A Marine Girlfriend
Today we have the information to tell you about Advice For A Marine Girlfriend. Dont miss if youre looking for information about "Advice For A Marine Girlfriend". We have extra information about a particular ADVICE FOR A MARINE GIRLFRIEND to tell you. Opportunities like this are not common. We hope that the information we have this will benefit you a lot. Hopefully you will not miss this opportunity and free.... [Read more]


Dating Advice For Men

Fortunately that is not the case. When women give compliance tests they really do want you to pass them. It is their way of filtering out a truly confident attractive guy from the rest. It may sound strange but beautiful women honestly cant just look at a guy an say "hes good looking therefore hes attractive." They need much more because they are approached by so many different types of guys. A really attractive girl will get hit on 10-15 times A DAY....


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Seven Common Dating Issues

Seven Common Dating Issues
Instructor John Gottman observations that all couples hold close unbroken issues. They object or argue about the identical gear over and over again. According to Gottman, tons of these are not solvable horizontal nonetheless spot on aspects may be negotiated, compromised or established politely.

Gift are some of the best in style issues that we perceive in couples who are dating. Powerfully, the longer a couple dates and the add-on hefty the relationship becomes, the add-on vibrantly the differences come up. Greatest extent of these are usually not copiousness to end a relationship. Couples, noticeably, need to learn and practice aptly and obsequious ways to talk about them with each bonus.

1. Measure together critical of time to the left. Methodically one person wants to application a lot of time together and count each bonus in best activities like the bonus person feels a real need to retrieve a esteem of distinctiveness.

2. Contact with friends of the staff sex/jealousy. One curtailed of a couple may want to be friends or show new friendships with others of the staff sex stating and believing that they meet the expense of no danger to the relationship. Others person that consent with people of the staff sex prerequisite forever count the new pal. This can be further awkward if present-day is a thirst to be friends with a former romantic pal.

3. Sex. Offering are recurrently further levels of thirst for sexual and physical contact.

4. Associations. Several feel that friends are a bad world power on a pal. This may be in the role of they person that these friends punctual "SINGLE KINDS OF MODE", are just stale of the relationship pal or ahead of enervate the relationship.

5. Ethnic. Several person that family members impose too greatly, are nosey or involve too greatly time active from the relationship.

6. Levels of intimacy. Women recurrently want add-on verbal intimacy from men than men are cozy with or see as noteworthy.

7. Proposed goals for the relationship, further marriage and relatives. This can be one that ends a relationship. Spell we forever punctual couples to cling gear listlessly and not publicize for a verdict about any of these issues, present-day are times when it is best to just let go of a relationship if these requirements are very further.

Couples can crack comatose at tons of these issues, for justification, they may hard on how greatly time to application together on a dependable weekend or how to promote a pal that they are the only person in their lives that they care about in a romantic way tonight. Next to these unbroken issues, however, couples hold close to find sufficiently of further ways to dais hush, committed and obsequious as they bunch their further ideas, needs and feelings.


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Wellness Newsletter June 2008

Wellness Newsletter June 2008
This newsletter provides up-to-date research-based wellness and self-care information and tells you about books, e-books, web sites and events that can enhance well-being, promote health, and help develop self-care, teaching/learning and leadership skills. Please forward it in its entirety to whomever you believe may benefit.

Scroll down to what interests you...

1. Your wellness message

2. Wellness news:

a. Vigorous exercise can help seniors avoid disability

b. Vitamins help prevent macular degeneration of eyes

c. Niacin's role in healthy cholesterol

d. Exposure therapy best after trauma/PTSD

e. Antioxidants in food could help ICU patients

3. Wellness Books: from aging with grace to fearless living

4. New! Wellness 65(6):659-667 [link]

or click on:

e. Antioxidants in food could help ICU patients

New study suggests that the oxide stress increase during patients stays in the

Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is due to the low levels of antioxidant food

consumption, especially foods rich in vitamins A,C, and E.

For details, go to:

Best food sources of the important antioxidants include: apricots, asparagus,

avocadoes, beet greens, black currants, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, carrots,

collards, dandelion greens, eggs, fish liver, garlic, kale, lemons, mangos, mustard

greens, nuts, oatmeal, onions, papayas, peaches, peanuts, peas (green), persimmons,

pineapple, pumpkin, radishes, red and sweet peppers, rice (brown only), seeds,

soybeans, spinach, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard, turnip greens, watercress, whole grain

cereals/breads/pasta, and yellow squash.

What to do? If a family, member, friend, or client is in the ICU, check to insure he or

she receives 5-10 servings (1/2 cup steamed, juiced or pureed ) of a variety of the

above foods daily.

3. Wellness Books:

Aging Beyond Belief by Wellness Guru, Don Ardell, 2007.

Aging Beyond Belief includes 69 recommendations for a more healthful, enjoyable and meaningful existence at every stage of life. Order from or Don's web site:

*Living Well with Anxiety: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You That You Need to Know. Contents include how to self-diagnose anxiety, wellness approaches (nutrition, herbs, environmental changes, exercise, other anxiety-reducing and healing measures), relationships, purpose and spirituality, creating your own anxiety plan and finding and working with the right practitioner. Ask your local book store to order LWW Anxiety if you don't find it on the shelf.

*Comfort and Joy: Simple Ways to Care for Ourselves and Others. Available from or oneline at

*Encyclopedia of Complementary Health Practice. Includes concepts and issues, economic and practice issues, education issues, legal/legislative/health policy issues, historical perspectives, conditions (from a-z), influential substances, practices and treatments, contributor directory, and resources directory. Click on and write Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box.

*The Essential Laws of Fearless Living: Find the Power to Never Feel Powerless Again.

How to break through illusions of limitation, have everything you want and become truly conscious. For more information go to

*The Food Intolerance Bible: A Nutritionist's Plan to Beat Food Cravings, Fatigue, Mood Swings, Celiac Disease, Headaches, IBS, and Deal with Food Allergies. Orders

at or oneline at

*Garden Therapy Guidelines for Special Needs by Judith Gammonley, ARNPBC, EdD, LCP includes how to use garden therapy with those who are memory impaired, brain injured, or who struggle with developmental or physical challenges. Contact Dr. Gammonley at or phone her at (727) 784-2449.

*Group Leadership Skills provides theory, concepts and practical applications for the new or seasoned group leader with task, work, social, therapeutic, focal or focus groups. Go to and write Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box.

*Health Promotion in Communities: Holistic and Wellness Approaches. Focuses on applying wellness and holistic concepts to community work and includes a model and self-assessment for health and wellness with changing and vulnerable populations, in rural settings, on the internet, with individuals and groups, families, African American women, Hispanic communities, diabetes programs, parish nursing, schools, and homeless centers and more. Click on and write Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box at the top of the page

*Healthy Holistic Aging: A Blueprint for Success. Carl Helvie, RN, DrPH says you can live to be 100, and at age 74, he's a perfect example of the right things to do. He has no chronic illnesses and is among the 11% of the age 65-and-overs who take no prescribed medications. The book cites overwhelming scientific evidence that good diet, exercise, adequate sleep, prayer, meditation, positive relationship with others and a clean and safe environment can ensure successful aging. Visit Dr. Helvie's web site where you can also obtain the book as well as other helpful information at


*Her Inspiration, subtitled, Secrets to Help You Work Smart, Be Successful and Have Fun, this book is full of quotes and thoughts from hundreds of women to encourage, motivate, and support you as you make your way. Order from or online at

.*Holistic Nursing Approach to Chronic Diseases. Provides a holistic approach to AIDS/HIV, Allergies/Asthma, Alzheimer's Disease, Arthritis, Cancer, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Diabetes, Digestive Problems, Fibromyalgia, Heart and Blood Vessel Disorders, Kidney Disease, Liver Disease, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, overweight/obesity, pain, Parkinsons' Disease, and/or sleep disorders. Click on and write Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box at the top of the screen for information.

*Living Well with Menopause: What Your Doctor Doesn't Tell You That You Need To Know. This self-care manual includes: menopause: a natural process, medical treatment, nutrition, herbs, environmental actions, exercise, other stress reduction and healing measures, relationships, finding and working with the right practitioner, and putting it all together: your menopause success plan. Click on

and write Carolyn Chambers Clark in the search box at the top of the screen.

*Prayers for Healing. Edited by Maggie Oman, with an Introduction by the Dalai Lama and Foreword by Larry Dossey, this little book invites you into a wonderful healing space. Contributors include Wendell Berry, Jack Kornfield, Rainer Maria Rilke, Marian Wright Edelman, Martine Luther King, Jr., and Marianne Williamson, Kahlil Gibran, Goethe, and even traditional Native American truths. For inspiration, order from or online at


4. New! Wellness & Relationship Blog

Need your daily infusion of wellness? Go to my new Blog and find both

cutting edge research, in easily-digestible bites and practical tips for

improving the quality of your life or someone else's.

Click on

5. Online Menopause Support/Information Group

Anyone who could benefit from support and information during menopause can go to and write living well with menopause in the search box, scroll down to Living Well with Menopause and click on it.

6. Wellness E-books

Available e-books include ADHD, acne, bladder spasms/bladder infections, couple communication, depression relief, great body, headaches, healing veggies, healing with affirmation & imagery, healthy hair, helping with homework, natural diuretics, pain free, parenting, peri-menopausal bleeding, permanent weight loss, pregnancy, helping children be successful in school, teaching math concepts, thyroid, and whole brain thinking. All are from a wellness, self-care perspective. Click on

(Scroll down the home page to find them.)

7. New Book for Nurse Educators

*Classroom Skills for Nurse Educators provides ways to promote interactive learning even in large classes, while teaching asynchronously online and more...also introduces creative ways to use role playing, simulations, simulation games, group methods, peer learning, value clarification, perceptual exercises, journal writing and poetry. Presents indepth analysis and tips for overcoming the teaching/learning problems that can interfere with the learning process, and even shows how to develop your own learning materials (including simulations and games) in simple but effective ways. Sample chapters and

more information at

8. Creative Nursing Leadership using information technology; managing resources and change; delegation and succession: developing staff; creative political, legal, ethical, effective, and safe interventions to keep staff engaged. For sample chapters and more information click on

9. Archives of the Wellness Newsletter

To read recent past issue of the Wellness Newsletter, click on

PLEASE SEND THIS NEWSLETTER ON to friends, family, clients or colleagues who might benefit. My only request is that you send it in its entirety.

In Wellness,

Carolyn Chambers Clark



Stay Well!

If you received this newsletter from me, you're already on the subscribe list. If you received it from someone else and would like to subscribe, go to and click on my picture.

Friday, January 23, 2015

Yo Y El Mundo Aprendiendo A Vivir

Yo Y El Mundo Aprendiendo A Vivir
TITULO ORIGINAL: Boy meets world

CATEGOR'iA: Comedia

PA'iS: Estados Unidos

A~nO: 1993

TEMPORADAS: 7 Temporadas

EPISODIOS: 158 Episodios

DURACI'oN: 30 Minutos

SITUACI'oN: Terminada



Ben Savage - Cory Matthews

Rider Strong - Shawn Hunter

Danielle Fishel - Topanga Lawrence

Will Friedle - Eric Matthews

William Daniels - George Feeny

Betsy Randle - Amy Matthews

William Russ - Alan Matthews

Trina McGee - Angela Moore

Matthew Lawrence - Jack Hunter

Anthony Tyler Quinn - Jonathan Turner

Lindsay Ridgeway - Morgan Matthews

Maitland Ward - Rachel McGuire

Lily Nicksay - Morgan Matthews

Lee Norris - Stuart Minkus


Las peripecias de un chico, su vida en el colegio, con su profesor y su familia constituyen el hilo argumental de la serie 'Yo y el mundo'. La iron'ia y el humor ante las situaciones cotidianas de la vida caracterizan esta serie que tiene como protagonista a Ben Savage en el papel de Cory Matthews, un chico que est'a haciendo constantemente balance sobre los distintos puntos de vista sobre la vida que le presentan su hermana Morgan, su experimentado hermano mayor, Eric, su padre, su profesor Mr Feeny, su comprensiva madre, Amy, y su mejor amigo, Shawn. Al protagonista le fastidia especialmente que su profesor viva en la puerta de al lado. La devoci'on de Feeny por ense~nar y la desgana de Cory por aprender crea un conflicto casi diario.


Descarga del Video de la Sinton'ia

Descarga de la Sinton'ia en MP3


En la Wikipedia

En Imdb


1a Temporada

1: Pilot

2: On the Fence

3: Father Knows Less

4: Cory's Alternative Friends

5: Killer Bees

6: Boys II Mensa

7: Grandma Was a Rolling Stone

8: Teacher's Bet

9: Class Pre-Union

10: Santa's Little Helper

11: The Father/Son Game

12: Once in Love with Amy

13: She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

14: The B-Team of Life

15: Model Family

16: Risky Business

17: The Fugitive

18: It's a Wonderful Night

19: Kid Gloves

20: The Play's the Thing

21: Boy Meets Girl

22: I Dream of Feeny

2a TEMPORADA1: Back 2 School

2: Pairing Off

3: Notorious

4: Me and Mr. Joad

5: The Uninvited

6: Who's Afraid of Cory Wolf?

7: Wake Up, Little Cory

8: Band on the Run

9: Fear Strikes Out

10: Sister Theresa

11: The Beard

12: Turnaround

13: Cyrano

14: I Am Not a Crook

15: Breaking Up Is Really, Really Hard to Do

16: Danger Boy

17: On the Air

18: By Hook or by Crook

19: Wrong Side of the Tracks

20: Pop Quiz

21: The Thrilla' in Phila

22: Career Day

23: Home

3a Temporada

1: My Best Friend's Girl

2: The Double Lie

3: What I Meant to Say

4: He Said, She Said

5: Hometown Hero

6: This Little Piggy

7: Truth and Consequences

8: Rave On

9: The Last Temptation of Cory

10: Train of Fools

11: City Slackers

12: The Grass Is Always Greener

13: New Friends and Old

14: A Kiss Is More Than a Kiss

15: The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter

16: Stormy Weather

17: The Pink Flamingo Kid

18: Life Lessons

19: I Was a Teenage Spy

20: I Never Sang for My Legal Guardian

21: The Happiest Show on Earth

22: Brother Brother

4a Temporada

1: You Can Go Home Again

2: Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow

3: I Ain't Gonna Spray Lettuce No More

4: Fishing for Virna

5: Shallow Boy

6: Janitor Dad

7: Singled Out

8: Dangerous Secret

9: Sixteen Candles and Four-Hundred-Pound Men

10: Turkey Day

11: An Affair to Forget

12: Easy Street

13: B ">1: Brothers

2: Boy Meets Real World

3: It's Not You... It's Me

4: Fraternity Row

5: The Witches of Pennbrook

6: No Guts, No Cory

7: I Love You, Donna Karan: Part 1

8: Chasing Angela: Part 2

9: How to Succeed in Business

10: Last Tango in Philly

11: A Very Topanga Christmas

12: Raging Cory

13: The Eskimo

14: Heartbreak Cory

15: First Girlfriends' Club

16: Torn between Two Lovers (Feeling Like a Fool)

17: And Then There Was Shawn

18: If You Can't Be with the One You Love...

19: Eric Hollywood

20: Starry Night

21: Honesty Night

22: Prom-ises, Prom-ises

23: Things Change

24: Graduation

6a Temporada

1: His Answer: Part 1

2: Her Answer: Part 2

3: Ain't College Great?

4: Friendly Persuasion

5: Better Than Average Cory

6: Hogs and Kisses

7: Everybody Loves Stuart

8: You're Married, You're Dead

9: Poetic License: An Ode to Holden Caulfield

10: And in Case I Don't See Ya

11: Santa's Little Helpers

12: Cutting the Cord

13: We'll Have a Good Time Then

14: Getting Hitched

15: Road Trip

16: My Baby Valentine

17: Resurrection

18: Can I Help to Cheer You?

19: Bee True

20: The Truth About Honesty

21: The Psychotic Episode

22: State of the Unions

7a Temporada

1: Show Me the Love

2: For Love and Apartments

3: Angela's Men

4: No Such Thing as a Sure Thing

5: You Light Up My Union

6: They're Killing Us

7: It's About Time

8: The Honeymooners

9: The Honeymoon Is Over

10: Pickett Fences

11: What a Drag!

12: Family Trees

13: The Provider

14: I'm Gonna Be Like You, Dad

15: The War

16: Seven the Hard Way

17: She's Having My Baby Back Ribs

18: How Cory and Topanga Got Their Groove Back

19: Brotherly Shove

20: As Time Goes By

21: Angela's Ashes

22: Brave New World: Part 1

23: Brave New World: Part 2
