It is a workshop on presentation skills that explains in detail on how to present yourself in a presentation, works with your tonality, the setting of the room, spatial anchoring for high performance, handling of questions, anticipating participant's reactions, working with emotions and so on.
So it goes beyond the traditional type of presentation skills workshop that simply explains the structure of a presentation and how to convey your point of view. It is taking this basic skill for granted and extends it into the realm of high performance.
George is a fantastic guy and his training is inspiring, entertaining, performance boosting - not necessarily in this sequence. The training includes NLP exercises, anchoring and working with your body posture. If he sees potential improvements, he coaches the participant directly, face-to-face. He is called the Trainer of Trainers, and he is one, if not the leading trainer in hypnotherapy, and speaking performance.
His methods to train are just like him - outrageous, but outrageously good. He pushed me to the limits and never gave up. Forced me on when I got tired.
Because he said that it is easy to meet an easy goal - but once you pushed yourself to higher goals, it is tough to get back. Your mind has been stretched already, so it is able to withstand adversary.
Some of the exercises were easy but still challenging. Like shouting, in a convincing and congruent manner: "I am powerful".
Sounds easy, but dare not to be convincing - that either your voice fails to deliver the message or your body doesn't show that it really believes in your message.
George then starts to challenges and mock you - "no, you are not" - "I am powerful" - "no, you are not" and so on.
Do this six times! Or seven. Or only 5.
It saps an enourmous amount energy - a tremendous energy drain.
Why is he so pushing?
Because, when you speak, in a presentation, during a conference, in a workshop, in any situation in your life, there might be those that oppose what you say. That heckle. That find flaws in your argumentation.
It is not possible to shut those up - even if it would be desirable. Sure not!
They sap your energy as well. By then, you won't have time to build it up slowly. It must be there. Fullstop. By then, it must be in me, my system, my body.
And that is what I became aware of this in this training.
I got stronger, mentally, once again!
(NLP in Asia)
neuro linguistic programming
business coaching
personal coaching
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