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Monday, December 8, 2008

The Classic

The Classic
Yesterday, I left a meeting in Dupont. I was walking back to my car not thinking of what on earth in a person. Short-lived of me was a lush blonde and I stop her.

Sniper: Goodbye. I'm sniper.

SHBBlond: Hi.

Sniper: I'm having snacks with some friends tonight at Gazuza. You ought to come join us. Here's my card, give me a call if you would like to join us.

SHBBlond: Thank you.

I walked to one side and she continued on her paw marks. I smiled to myself and in addition to I felt stickiness on my temple and felt the obstacle blob begin to form and the lean frigidity leaving from the top of my common sense all the way down my back. It's that feeling that you get in the role of you lug been studying for a test and you are so guaranteed you aced it and in addition to you be with you that you did everything artificial. At that point, I in a bad way out into amusement.

I nearly did what every girl I lug regular has told me to do - Wholly elicit yourself and ask her out.

I do lug to say I did not miss a assail, it was everything that you would see in a depiction. Picture elegant, no approach anxiety, no involvement in my common sense, no bashful involvement, elegant body language, elegant space of involvement, and faithful AFC BS coming out of my chatterbox. I was on autopilot, just the artificial stuff came out of my chatterbox.

And we all hint the solution to the 25,000 question: Did she call?

Of course not.


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