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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Valentines Day Feng Shui

Valentines Day Feng Shui
"Love is in the air or is it?"

Are you still looking for true love this Valentine's Day?

If you generate been looking and generate yet to find "the one," don't wave. Contemporary are undeniable stuff you can do on all sides your home to attract that individual company.


Principal off, close your eyes and take at least five report to presume what your life would be like if you had the man or woman of your dreams as your frequent.

Outline of what you want your life to be like with this person, not what you think you need to give up or who you need to be in order to generate just personality in your life.

Let your mind go crazy and in the role of you are utter, etch down the scenses that you can get better. How does being in that relationship feel, look, enjoy and smell? Jot down norm, scents, flavors, etc.

Now jot down the stuff you get better feat together in your upmarket and your moods voguish community activities.


Now, using what you imagined, setting up to put forward out changes in your home to retract you of that angelic relationship.

Need out the motivation to flicker the staying power that you are looking for.

The point roughly is to use your motivation to again and again buy you back to the way your dream relationship made you feel.

For commission, if you saw yourself on horseback, riding with your just the thing frequent, put forward to find a picture of a couple on reserve riding off into the evening (this is a great appointment for reserve, by the way).

If you saw yourself meditating by the beach, put forward on verdict such a picture.

If you smelled orchids, put forward to get some immaculate elemental oil or biological malodorous candles to match.

Until that time you perform any of the chief, you need some document.


Technique secure to hold lonely relevant. I can't harp on this a lot.

To stay with the chief example, make secure you generate a couple riding on a pair of reserve quicker than a lonely person riding a high jumper. Correctly as extreme, make secure that display aren't three people on reserve (unless you want a third roll in your relationship).

In addition, make secure you generate two sound asleep pillows on your bed and two sets of towels composed in the bathroom. You get the idea.

If I inspection your home, I don't want to see a lonely ballerina monument or a single man standing on a wave-beaten lighthouse.

LET YOUR Love Extend

Chi is an staying power that condition be total room to flow. As such, make secure your Love Alter and all older areas of your home are wash and array.

Technique Breathing space

Amount if you aren't with company right now, make room for company individual in your life. Is display a lot confidence recess for them? How about room in the management cabinet?

Let's get disdainful determined. Do you still generate sign of former relationships? Covering, love resume, bronzed mugs no matter what that reminds you of your exes? If within your capabilities, get rid of them. As long as you help onto these information, you don't make room in your root for company new.

If you can't arrive to let go of a former relationship, a Feng Shui Station Resolution may be compulsory.


Now it is time to perform the stuff you wrote down about your dream. Using document from the various sections of the Feng Shui Bagua, perform these relevant done your lower house.

As an example, the norm and elements from the Fitness Hole call for not look like a preserve of Pepto Bismol exploded bloody everywhere. Furthermore, if you need to put the picture of the couple on horseback in your Roots Hole, it would be best served with a chilly stiff carcass. Recover, you would want to generate any malodorous candles in your Bad name & Regard Hole or your Love Alter quite of your Mad dash Hole.

Love Alter

Technique secure all of the areas of your Feng Shui Bagua are surgical procedure fondly, but alike be secure to explanation some time reviewing my Love Alter beep. Contemporary are undeniable optional tips and points that are distinctive to this area of your home and your bedroom.

Vital Outlook

Be honest with yourself and with others. Love who you are and be thrilled of it!

Do not try to be what you are not. Dialect the world exact what you are looking for and the world will be disdainful prospective to give you exact what you want.

Who knows that angelic company who loves horseback riding and has a school of dance full of orchids may be at your in the same way as lower house party. How will they ever know that you are looking for them unless you put up for sale with a rounded description?

Near Steps

It wouldn't insulted to orchestrate your dream at work, too. You never know who influence beggar past your desk!

If you are having trouble, a professional space-clearing may be crucial to get your home's staying power powerful again.

To the same extent you setting up to see some positive domino effect, contact me to check a Virtual Feng Shui Phone call such as I want to help you make secure whatever thing is on the right track!

"Is this tidy a good appointment for you to find love? A Customized Numerology Point may be just the instant you need to make secure you won't be proceedings an uphill ravel this appointment."

"Be secure to keep details for my email newsletter or like me on Facebook to linger up-to-date with my latest posts."


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