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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How To Impress A Amazing Lady Using Cocky Funny

How To Impress A Amazing Lady Using Cocky Funny

So this has happened to me before and I found the cure. This is a really long story but I'll try to keep it brief. Usually my game is to have an extremely strong frame and be in control of the sexual power all the time and dominate the girl this way. Usually I dress like a club party-goer, but today I decided to use a more classic style. Later me and my friend were at the bar. This place look more like restaurant. I saw the hot babe sitting around the corner. She was not too special.

She had straight black hair and big ol' eyes, and this face that had a really great combination of innocent/cuteness with a total dirty naughty girl vibe. I have voice in my head that says 'Go and do it, who knows what might happen.' I start with: 'im arguing with my mate over weather to get a stripper for our mates stag do next weekend, hes completletey against the idea because he thinks that our mates fiance will kick off about it.... what you thinking..?'. I had finished playing and and moved very close to her, felt her breath. I use Cocky funny. The result was great!. She listened to me very carefully and looked interested! I went to the toilet and back to her. She is very experienced with guys and talks a lot about the terrible dates she's been on. We were totally on the same wavelength game wise and humour wise.

I asked her how hard she was having to control herself now. She laughed again and said, 'but I'm enjoying it'. She happily obliged, and proceeded to sit on my lap. She was a bit taken aback by my forwardness, but that was part of my intention. I think one of my problems is I am a little shy. Then I decided to use my main weapon, I told her: 'You got me, secretly im the worlds greatest pick up artist and i go around the world teaching men how to get women into bed.( I then go into detail about it and talk about it with her for a few minutes, its all recorded if anyone wants to hear it). Lucky for me I have some experience in closing girls in toilet. So after some drinks we go to toilet. And I close her. It was amazing!

Desktop Dating title=

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