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Friday, April 23, 2010

Approach Cool Girl Using Cold And Warm Aproach Routine

Approach Cool Girl Using Cold And Warm Aproach Routine

I was 20 (almost 21) when I lost my virginity. Alright I haven't had time to write any FR reports of any kind, when you do so many it becomes pointless unless something unique happened which in this case makes it all the more worth while. I spending a lot of time in work and have been using my evenings practicing pick up. This time I was great: My hair had been styled and I had shaved off my scraggy hobo beard. I went to an upscale massage/salon place There were some seats available. I see some delicious tanned legs on the other side. Not the most beautiful girl out there (though I've kind of stopped this rating thing would be around HB6.5), but she's really fun and intelligent.

She looking glamorous: tall, fur coats, dark hair, striking good looks, sombre composure, air of royalty, etc. I think: Go to her. Are you the kind of guy that deserves hot girls? I'm say 'Hi, You can trust me, I'm a professional makeup artist. If you want I'm giving you a makeover'. She knew what I was talking about and just giggled. After I applied Cold and warm aproach routine, it can be taken with bare hands. I grab her hand and walk like I'm already her lover. I kept trying to leave silence/space to get her to invest. She was smiling, the silent tension was building. She giving me sex eyes and keeping her seductive antagonistic attitude, she was flirting with me.

I playing with her panty line. After a few minutes I realized that she tasted exactly like mango... I told her it runs in my nature I was born with a unusually big penis.. rudeness comes from allot of testosterone cant help it! all genetics baby.. She laughed. I spent most of the time sitting on a couch next to girl but not saying much. I ignore this and buried my face in her cleavage and she moaned. Her skin was so soft and warm and it felt great. This night me and the angel were sleeping together.

Get Call Girls Bangalore title=

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