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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Approach Hot Lady Using Favorite Liquor Routine

Approach Hot Lady Using Favorite Liquor Routine

I post this here because I've been busy with my studies and other activites. It was just after I had finished The Masterclass. I don't think I was particularly alpha but I did speak to a lot of sets. I havent showered.. Im wearing an old T-shirt.. sneakers.. and I could have used a shave.. but hey.. what the hell do I care right? I headed to the this club alone. There were a lot of girls, but few of them was hot. At the next table sat a girl of my dreams. She was amazing I can't lie.

She had a slim body and looked attractive. As I came closer I could see she was a little older, but still very attractive. She had jet black short hair, wore glasses and had a very pretty face. Seems She was 25-27, but could easily pass for 22. I told myself 'today, I am going to go to the city and either get a daytime kiss or f..k this girl'. I just said to her: 'I'm a pretty popular guy, but today I am willing to exchange my popularity to one your kiss'. She laughed. She giggled. At this time I have successfully used Favorite liquor routine. I sit in front of her with a smile. She was clearly trying to kiss me by moving closer, looking at my lips, and trailing her sentences off. She shivered and shot me a seductive glance.

I told her she could sit on my lap. I knew she was into me but I had to let her know she was getting laid so she would relax and flow with it. She was a bit taken aback by my forwardness, but that was part of my intention. She said 'No! Not here!'. Then I decided to use my main weapon, I told her: 'You got me, secretly im the worlds greatest pick up artist and i go around the world teaching men how to get women into bed.( I then go into detail about it and talk about it with her for a few minutes, its all recorded if anyone wants to hear it). It was a strange new toilet close experience.

Dating For Big Woman title=

Tags: poems to get a girl  get a girl in bed  ib pick up lines  tips to get a girl  place to pick up women  way to get a girl  hot to pick up women  get up girl  communication skills nursing  dating tips women  

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