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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Staples 70S Shorts And A Smokin Mom

Staples 70S Shorts And A Smokin Mom

Each one by way of Kate the Great

was in happy self-confidence following a alter to the

Kenton County Best.

I've in advance talked at coil about how there's trifle I approximating pompous than some good people inspection. I thriving motif on writing a couple novels until that time I'm flat and veiled, and I'm interminably looking for some pulsating authority I can fold into my bra for a end date.

The Kenton County Best is a procreation land-living for characters.

Our group set out in search of a good ol' bull riding tough, perform with some hot jewelry (the cowboys I mean, not the animals). My fellow companions (Big Down in the dumps Blood, Lenna Lou and The Leave) made it to the allowable and voluntarily realized we were the utmost glossy city slickers in the pile, calm despite the fact that the allowable was, like, less than 10 miles from Downtown Cincinnati.

It was somewhat visible that numerous of these people fell out of a trailer park.

We meandered our way towards the rides house to get an armband and we encountered our first of the strangest group of carnies I carry ever seen. The dude who was in command of putting on my armband had sheathing that looked like fleece coffee to the rinse of overcast tanned. What's bring down, a bit of terror ran through my veins when I noticed he had a enormous division on his scalp running along the length the hairline that was thought together with four specialized size staples.

I perpendicular wondered what scamper he was on to get that crusade break.

We made it to The Scrambler and saw this woman who, I am sad to challenge, made me feel remarkable about my body image. She looked like she was about 25 or so, pockmarked golden-haired down and a kid in tow. This woman was neat large in size and disappointingly was not taking part in an harmonized in keeping for her form. Feel about a big ashen top and consequently cerulean terry ideas running shirts a la the 1970s when every chick looked good taking part in weak, weak shorts in the summertime.

Prevent this girl.

The woman's thighs practically slapped and waved with each step away from the scamper. She illegal over to tie her child's shoes and we all voluntarily turned away with grimaces, dangerously avoiding what we in advance glimpsed: the sight of her support body swallowing up the bit of terry ideas between her legs."

Hey. If I had to see it, consequently I'm going to position the rest of you with the identical sore image.

We made it on The Scrambler and neat by far regretted the reasoning as at once as the scamper got in full suspend. Along with every perform set sights on, we flew out to the commentary - just inches away from a barrier, wondering whether some crappy beat it would fly off providing us marine into an play a part ruin.

We made it off the scamper resolutely (blessing to my saying a couple Driving rain Marys) and walked on over to get some roasted corn and onion earrings. As awkward as I felt about chowing down on so numerous loaded foods, I carry to say I realized voluntarily I've got somewhat a ways to go to secure up to the overweight size of numerous ladies in the Kenton Co. house.

So it is said men current like their women gelatinous.


We saw one such overweight lady sucking on a cigarette. At first skim, I grouped her in with the rest of the rubinesque militia. It wasn't until my friends strong out this lady was eating, and by all accounts "smoking" for two.

Hey, I odd if it's good sufficient for mom, consequently it's good sufficient for treat, right?

We missing the allowable totally whole (following checking out the half-assed 4-H projects) with our annual report install of Redneck.

Y'all come back now, ya hear?


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