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Monday, July 25, 2011

Flirt With Pretty Women Using The Cube Routine

Flirt With Pretty Women Using The Cube Routine

Before, I was a novice and asked many questions, now I can share my experiences. This is a little succes story of mine... I don't think I was particularly alpha but I did speak to a lot of sets. I gave myself up, brushed my hair and put on scent of cologne. I went to this bellydancing club like every other night for like 3 weeks There was a bunch of girls, some of them looked at me. I spotted girl sitting in the crowd. Not the most beautiful girl out there (though I've kind of stopped this rating thing would be around HB6.5), but she's really fun and intelligent.

It wasn't in a bitchy way though; it was more of a powerful feminine elegant way. I just said to myself 'I just want this girl and I will get it'. I just introduced myself. I never gave too much of a response to her. I call this technique 'TV'. I ask her a stupid question and then long to hear her talk. One method that seems the cube routine to help me prepare relax her. I talking and touching her lower back maintaining great eye contact. I kept trying to leave silence/space to get her to invest. She was smiling, the silent tension was building. Woo, boring questions lead to interesting conversations!

I groping her ass, and eventually up her shirt. After a few minutes I realized that she tasted exactly like mango... I was super dominant and sexual, groaning and breathing really heavy in her ears. I'd say there was no consent on my part cuz I was so trashed and I had no intentions to actually bang anyone but it happened. I think she said this not because she doesn't want to be kissed, not because she doesn't know we will have sex, but because she wants to be seduced properly. Respect to that. So I ignore this words. Rest of the night, we spent in her house, there I was close her.

Getting The Girl You Want title=

Tags: pick up training  tips how to get a girl  pick up lines  beuatiful women  pick up artists  how to get a girl  hot to get a girl  pick up women in  how to get a girl frend  staring body language  

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