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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Who Zoomin Who

Who Zoomin Who
Advantageously like again I last been confronted by Pan Africanist Women trying to sell me some Pan Africanist philosophy which I razor-sharp dispatched being I brought some questioned to hold on their idea.

Positively bearing in mind they are clinging so personally to their Pan Africanist men, I influence I'd highligt a few and see who these men where cleaving to on their part. Lol. I desire it doesnt make for unfair reading for some of you who dont want reality to compel upon your fanstasy of you and black men serving in a tree KISSING.

SO Sturdy Unconscious NOW...............

Lets be in the lead with some African Leaders who were key band in 'emancipating' their people from pasty rule. A few examples

Angola's Crest Supervise and His Spouse

In the same way as

Crest Senegal Supervise and partner

In the same way as

Crest Presdent Botswana and family

In the same way as

Kwame Nkurumah and Spouse

Fresh Day Examples

It appears that for Senegal, pasty first ladies is normalized in the function of concerning we last the current first lady Viviane and Wife Aboulaye Wade the leader

Viviane meets Laura Bush

Now colonize I last a full and long list of pan Africanist' black men with pasty female tendencies, critically I couldnt catch on down video. For example, did you uncover that Nigeria's first Supervise (so called he was presently a manager widespread) Nnamdi Azikiwe had imperfect welsh product Jayzik who critically passed available finally (aparrently she was a reggae musican and you can see her videos on you tube). Yes the great ZIK of African did not confirm himself available from pasty women not considering all that vigorous contending with 'Le pasty man' for preponderance of his weight.

Y'all colonize better go over, coz it force last busy a small less time to completed Nigerian preponderance. Who knows better go over.....

This is just the tip colonize. Examine if you like, some of the greats of Pan Africanist, you will see a frame. Specified got the 'She's not pasty she is Egyptian' line in or opted biracial like Marcus Garvey who is 'worshipped' in the company of pan africanist people, but the discernable pattern is there; we talk 'africanism but elect our women not too african.'

Indisputable some but not all (or is it all but not some), but it was still expressive send away and all the mega involving precise that these men where all about black power, black self rule, black conversion. The pasty colonize should last been doubled up with joyfulness at the in your shield false piety.

Its amazing isnt it, that if a bw pan africanist steady influence of a pasty man with kindheartedness she would take a shower and last a bath and treat her tackle for such an act of duplicity lol!

Now do you think Aboulaye Wade was stretched tight that he was installing a pasty woman as first lady of a black country? Do you think he was cut to the heart? Or stretched tight what messgage he was provision to the West or his weight women. I bet he would hinder a tap at one who had a problem with it like your perpendicular Franz Fanon as you will see in a little while...

Ruffle to the UK...

Confident it takes me back to the death of Bernie Consult regarding a decade ago. Yes at the interment of the burst into flames and brimstone will rrain down on pasty sprint intimidating black man, introduce was a march televised on national TV with his golden partner introduce in the halfway flanked by all these black women in black cloths looking like they had been crying for hours over the death of the encouragement of black people. I shut in his partner now speaks in his stead on black issues.

Pan africanist women last and delay to justification and explain available, or need on overlooking, these black male activites which they make small of. Any catch napping why these men think it is the professional problem and are not steady having any properly question at the influence of choosing pasty like talking black.

Truthfully black men last become a public disgrace, a dedication and a recent bulk to any sort of pan africanist movement and the key indictment why the pasty folk who they are problematical DO NOT Pass on THEM Badly.

Do you uncover that steady pan africanist pasty men or anti chauvinist pasty men in fact join pasty women overwhelmingly?

Bw last learnt to take being the flankers so very much so it is now well-hidden in ahead of its time perspectives (unlike blog for unlike day), even now one of the have a spat of this pan Africanist black male ghoul is that pasty women are now speaking on behalf of black people and their issues. Llol what a snigger. Yes pasty women last inborn their pan afrcanists husbands bequest and mantel knock back with the flankers of black women chanting an amen to their speeches and standing at their side as body guards. This is not to steady talk about the financial rewards that are acrruing chiefly posthumously as a utilize of books and works of their husbands.

Deduce it was the disconcert war and it was a pasty men speaking for black people having recevied the mantel from a black person, I can net the grating grumbles and see the quick-witted faces and no one would steady think they are winning to speak on behalf of black people. Represent would be leadership challenges and the tearing available of furthermost of the support funding. But a crowd of pasty women are now speaking for black issues as a utilize of being departed to swab on the 'African centered' work and bequest of their black husbands lol and as usual, the lenient, ever assuaging black man' pan africanist black woman just bends over again and tolerates. Lol.

Which brings me to CLR James

Yes the author of the far-flung regarded, brilliant and kindly praised 'Black Jacobins', well his bequest is being carried on by his pasty widow. To my considerate his current widow is number 3 pasty partner or long term friend. Yet if you see the way black women in the UK speak with such reverential tones about CLR, 'Oh he was so brilliant, he staggered the pasty people etc etc etc'. BLACK WOMEN Accommodate NO Discredit...They will splash anti black women black men without not here a whip.

And to the US and wider

some mega names for your history NOT ALL PANAFRICANIST but...

* Richard Wright ( yep the one settled as One of America's greatest black writers) was married to Dhimah Rose Meadman, a Russian-Jewish bop artist.

* Cheikh Anta Diop (yep the very one considered one of the greatest African historians of the 20th century a senegalese) married Louise Marie Maes, a French woman in 1953 in Paris.

* James Farmer, the to start with of the congenial rights movement's nonviolent direct action against racial background and limit.and his partner Lula Peterson

* Frantz Fanon (yep the very one raegrded as the adventure of the scholar Black tear man and who wrote the kindly regarded Black Pour, Whitish Masks ) was married to Marie-Josephe (and in fact newscast say he was associated to mega than one pasty woman). Fanon, married Marie-Josephe "Josie" Duble in 1952, just as Black Pour, Whitish Masks was published, and fathered a son. Lol!

He was quoted as saying

"WHO I CHOSE AS THE Entity OF MY Pick IS NOBODIES Definite -- I'M A Unbind MAN."

"I DO NOT Association THAT I AM ABANDONING MY Popularity BY MARRYING A EUROPEAN Man. IF MY Intimate ARE LOOKED Ruffle UPON, IF THE CRESCENTS OF THEIR FINGERNAILS ARE EXAMINED, IT Request BE Comprehensibly For instance Event Request NOT Accommodate Another. FOR MY Component, I Bar TO Assume THIS Issue FROM THE Place OF EITHER/OR."

* W.E.B. Du Bois and Dora Marbach and Amalie Lebenfeldt

* Oh and lets not forget Julain Understanding who was unrestricted to his fourth term as the chairman of the Situation Register of the Situation Forum for the Increase of Colored Everyday (NAACP) (meaning: it doesnt matter who a black man marries he can still be for his people though it doesnt mean bw have got to do it too), is married to Pamela Sue Horowitz

I can deduce how this these Pan Africanist women are goodbye to twist this one in the function of they will do what to bump into to their tatered thoughts of black men and women walking assign in assign. Unfortunately for some who will last a very coarse provocation, the Black Utopia these pan africanist black men are building, has no place for black women. You better go over the fine book earlier you pack your belongings.

Once more I ask, is do you think Aboulaye Wale is having a question of sense of right and wrong thinking, the same as message am I provision to the West installing a pasty woman as first lady of a black country'? Or Almost certainly the same as about the woman in my weight, how do they feel seeing her as first lady.'

Do you think he written off nap over all that? I would hazard he will Suppose one to last an opinion about his better of woman! Lol.

These men saw/see nil dissonant in being with pasty women (recurrently a series of them), in the midst of pushing for black unity, black coming together bla blah blah. In today's multicultural premised discourses I can understand it not being a problem (for those who are about integrating than pushing for black political and pecuniary funding), but in the days of militaristic walk back against black people being accorded any form of confusion and pride, well-read playwright can convince others that introduce was nil dissonant in being with pasty and touting black unity and blacks coming together (behold I said dissonant not objection)

If it isn't indication that the halfway point of their agitation was the characteristic of black man detached from any have got to, doubt, pondering and influence for black women, I catch napping what will be.

Black men last been charting their own paths towards self aggransidenment like black male famous women try to convince erstwhile black women that 'we' black men and woman, are presently on the self-same causeway and we only need to be uncomplaining and understanding.

If pan africanist women want to be busy lethally they force do well to rupture off from what to do with black pan africanist men, in the function of after that they will make mega proposal than what is being made at this point with Pan africanism trying to associate love of all relevant pasty and water down with talk of black gladden. Frequent a imperfect wit can see no matter which totally odd with that.

Live in pan africanist women who think we black women who use our right mind and God precise judgement are fools and written off and in pasty supremacist luggage compartment, well I mat this one wider and say.....

Whose the youngster concerning, Directive for yourselves!

Appreciation to the person who did a great bit of this research, you uncover who you are!

Black women dont be fooled into being feeling lonely, you too can open up your options! Get into the IR E-book

Questions to be sent to: Anderson Paddock, "Deduce I acceptable to Patio a Whitish Guy"

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