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Friday, October 28, 2011

How To Find A Cute Girl Using Wealthy Trick

How To Find A Cute Girl Using Wealthy Trick

Within my social circle, there are always new girls popping in and out. So I have a lot of experience and I can share them. Where do I start... I don't think I was particularly alpha but I did speak to a lot of sets. I dressed very stylishly, they can not resist. I went to the bar, buy a drink, the music was too loud. I liked this place, many of the girls were hot and without the guys. One HB sitting at a nearby table and looked directly at me. She was not too special.

Tall.. fit.. Raven hair.. nice olive skin.. obviously atleast part italian by her facial features.. I think: 'Go for that girl in the elegant dress over there, I'm sure you'll get it.' I say to her: Hey gorgeous why are you here alone? She giggled. At one point I used Wealthy Trick and it helped. She was being a bit cold to me and kept leaving to talk to other people. I then play a game with her. I tell her that under no circumstances is she to touch me. I keep talking to her. We are just talking about every day stuff. NOTE: we are not talking about sex or anything that is actually going on at the moment. We were totally on the same wavelength game wise and humour wise.

I pushed her against the wall the she kissed me passionately. I looking into her eyes with full sexual intent. She was acting super sexual with kino. She said: 'Mmm You're a great guy and I like you, but I know too little about you....but....what if you're a serial killer or something... I knew she just wanted to feel safe so I expect she ask some provocative things to see how I would react. So I reacted as taught by Mystery: just ignore this words. We both laughed and I drove her home.

Date A Older Woman title=

Tags: guide to pick up women  guide to pick up women  beautiful women  how to meet women  pick up women in  poem to get a girl back  how do u get a girl  how to get girls to want you  

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