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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Best Way To Pick Up Cool Girl Using Body Language Techniques

Best Way To Pick Up Cool Girl Using Body Language Techniques

I was 20 (almost 21) when I lost my virginity. This is a really long story but I'll try to keep it brief. I was kind of bored so i decided to go out and have a few beers and hard liquors.. I wear my best star wars shirt that fit pretty well.. I was at rooftop bar sitting by myself. There was a 5 girls sets across the room. One girl passed near and accidentally touched me with his elbow. She was very attractive girl.. I'll rate her an HB 8.5 for you guys..

She looking glamorous: tall, fur coats, dark hair, striking good looks, sombre composure, air of royalty, etc. I think: Go to her. Are you the kind of guy that deserves hot girls? I used the simple 'Excuse me, sorry but do you know does a good coffee here? I really want to drink.'. She giggled and offered to sit down next to her. I liked the way she moves, gestures, so, just for shits and giggles. At this time I have successfully used Body Language Techniques. I whispering to her ears. She laughed and was cool about it all. I was so glad to have field experience and calibration.

I playing with her panty line. She had a very distinctive and familiar taste but I couldn't immediately place it... I was super dominant and sexual, groaning and breathing really heavy in her ears. I always do a good job of attracting girls and getting them to like me, the only problem is that my friends does a better job. Thank God they did not hinder me at this time. I knew she just wanted to feel safe so I expect she ask some provocative things to see how I would react. So I reacted as taught by Mystery: just ignore this words. We get to her house, and drop off her groceries and clothers. Rest of the night was perfect. I close her many times.

Get A Great Girl title=

Tags: get a girl friend  how to get a girl horny  get yo girl  pick up ladies  ten ways to get a girl  best ways to get a girl  how to get a girl fast  pick up women  verbal communication training  

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