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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

How To Meet A Cute Lady Using Push Pull Method

How To Meet A Cute Lady Using Push Pull Method

I am 24 years and I was more than 30 women, but always learn something new. I want to share this story... If you have a god-like social value, you shouldn't care too much about framing, gaming or about sexual control cos' your price is already so high that these things don't really matter. I wear my best star wars shirt that fit pretty well.. I went to the bar, buy a drink, the music was too loud. Sexy girls dancing on the dance floor, but they were with the guys. One girl passed near and accidentally touched me with his elbow. This one was 5'6 or so, skinny, with a beautiful ass.

Tall.. fit.. Raven hair.. nice olive skin.. obviously atleast part italian by her facial features.. I think: I must to try, I don't really care what happens here, I'm just killing time... I approached her and said 'Hey, its great day. I just try to pick you up now.'.I introduced myself. She responded warmly to this, laughed, and introduced herself. I was asking a few boring questions. I think this was important to build comfort. One method that seems push pull Method to help me prepare relax her. I put my hands to her thighs. We keep talking, but all the meanwhile I'm grazing my fingers up and down the small of her back and around her hips. 'You're so horny!' she gasps with faux shock. 'So are you' I respond casually, while giving her intense sex eyes.

I danced with her and ran some rapid kino escalation. I say 'kiss my arm then' and she's not sold on the idea. Sometimes I break rapport by not being interested and darting my eyes around. This is my usual tactics, it's a game, flirting, and this worked this time too. She said she like me, but didn't want to meet me b/c she was afraid that something like this would happen between me and her and that's why she ignored me. I ignore this and buried my face in her cleavage and she moaned. Her skin was so soft and warm and it felt great. About 2 hours into it we get to her place.I close her in various positions until the morning, I will always remember this crazy night.

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Tags: pick up ladies  pick up line  learn how to pick up women  pick up advice  pick up training  get a girl online  beatiful women  get yo girl  get a girl to have sex  how to use body language effectively  

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