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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pick Up Pretty Girl Using Backpacker Routine

Pick Up Pretty Girl Using Backpacker Routine

So this has happened to me before and I found the cure. Where do I start... Yesterday I was running had the Approach Energy infield workshop. I wear my hair in longish spikes, and have a loop earing on each side, a goatee, and a labret piercing (lip). I went to an upscale massage/salon place This place look more like restaurant. There was this one cute girl sitting by herself in the VIP area with a chair blocking the entrance to prevent anyone from coming thru. Short stature, 5'1/5'2. Rectangular glasses (i like that), small waist and big tits.

It wasn't in a bitchy way though; it was more of a powerful feminine elegant way. The social freedom voice goes in my head 'uhhh dude, it's a free country. Go to her. You can sit where you want. And if she thinks you're a creep, deal with it. You'll never see her again. She doesn't even live in the same hemisphere as you'. I walk to he and said 'Hey...tell me about...your dress' in a slow seductive voice. She started telling me about it... We were sitting in the smoking area we got talking. At this time I have successfully used Backpacker Routine. I got lots of kino. The conversation was filled with sexual tension. I blew my load in short powerful bursts, on her hair, neck, chest, jacket, my pants, and a huge pool in my hand too.

I rubbing her back, the slowly rubbing her back beneath her shirt. I'm standing next to her giving her a hellfire eyes burn. She was acting super sexual with kino. She seems was interested but she said she was a virgin. I said: Well you'd better think of something good!. She came sit on my lap and started kissing me. The night turned out better than I had expected to say the least. I close her.

Looking For Girlfriend title=

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