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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Jealousy Becomes You

Jealousy Becomes You
Marlena comes in as John prepares a candlelight extensive meal. She's very awed, "Auspiciously, who are we dining with tonight?" John breaks the bad news, he and Nicole are having the luxurious repast he has likely to "to the same degree Marlena gets a burger and fries as the accommodate fast provisions mutual, "Supersize it. You earn it."

Title holder arrives to see Chelsea. She's out for testing so he waits. Nicole stomps in, "Such as part of 'we are still marital do you not understand?" You are not kicking me out!"

"I just did," says Title holder.

Evil Tom watches Max and Stephanie.

Chloe meets Phillip seeming the pub and tells him Title holder kicked her out of the mansion.

Max comes up for air and tells Stephanie he needs they might do this all night. Pete "the bartender we've never seen otherwise and will never see again" arrives and Max asks if he can security for him. Pete agrees.

Abe and Roman territory at the pub in a zoom. Abe tells him, "Bo, Bank on, Kayla and Steve handle all been kidnapped. I think their lives are in danger.

"Let's not set off to conclusions voguish," says Roman."

The goons pull Bo, Bank on and Kayla down the passage. Kayla press-gang to see her husband. Bo works to swing the chains tying his hands.

Plot and Ava frolic. Suddenly, the door flies open and Plot is confronted with the Big Kahuna of all uncomfortable situations. Kayla stands put forward sopping it in, "Steve!"

Plot gasps, "Kayla!"

Kayla yells, "Such as the hell is going on in here?"

Kayla can't accurate it. She whirls to become, but it's fasten down so she starts pounding the door.

Plot, on the new achieve something, stops pounding Ava and flies out of bed. He jumps into his khakis and accuses Ava of idea the organic conglomerate. She admits it, but now that she knows Steve is good to go for a hot level surface hula session, she remit Kayla out.

Chloe fills Phillip in on what Title holder did. Phillip can't good deal it. He agrees to talk to Title holder, "By tonight you will be back in the meeting."

Title holder says if Nicole tries to come back into the meeting, he'll handle her arrested. He plus tells her he kicked Chloe out too, "I've stumped out all the litter."

Nicole says, "You penury still be nice to me Title holder."

Title holder asks, "Why is that?"

Nicole says, "For instance you don't want me to tell everyone your grubby little secret, now do you?"

Evil Tom peers into the pub as Max makes a find, "We might go up to my room." Understated. "Or not."

"Your room is fine," says Stephanie.

Max asks, "Are you sure?"

Abe and Roman extravagance the quadruple kidnapping. Roman wonders how Plot got speckled up with Martino Vitali's kid. He thinks their time is about to run out.

Ava needs Plot would get back in bed. "Plot needs he were in Timbuktu." He is nonplus Ava brought Kayla into this, "Kayla not there the love of her life what time. "They cancelled her pet tizzy opera." But she got over the lament and you will too."

Bo works out of his chains, "stuffs his pancreas back into his gut", attacks any guards and knocks them out.

Title holder thinks Nicole has become the tease queen bearing in mind she has been dead. She reminds him she knows his little secret. He asks what it is. She refuses, "If I told you, it wouldn't be a secret, would it? "

He accuses her of bluffing, "Do what you handle to do."

"I will," she says. Nicole grass. Title holder seethes.

Marlena reminds John they are still married, "Conjugal people don't date."

"It looks to me like married people dating is the national draw your attention in Salem."

"This is irrelevant," says Marlena.

John thinks in time she will guarantee him, "Contention becomes you."

Marlena insists she isn't jealous. She's nonplus and plays right into his achieve something by saying she thinks he penury act like her husband. John takes the orbit and runs with it, "You penury act like my partner. Wives have forty winks with their husbands. I wouldn't handle invited Nicole if I had no matter which to do."

Marlena asks him not to do this. The glockenspiel earrings. "Too late," says John, "But if it will make you feel better I was toying with you. This extensive meal is unsmilingly enterprise." Marlena says if that's the covering she'd like to join John and Nicole. "Your burger and fries are waiting," says John.

John peels off Nicole's fur to get back her leopard rind threads, "If the leopard wore it that local," says John, "that's most probably what killed it."

Diffident Max turns on the music. He says he wants tonight to be special. She insists it previously is, "Such as might be higher special than getting nailed in a one-room outlet choice a rundown bar? " He sits her on the bed and dims the lights. He tells her they don't handle to do this. Stephanie thinks it feels right, "I want you. I want us to be together."

"Are you noticeable," asks Max. "If Max consulted the Guy Leader about this situation, he would find two words of advice, "Hook up."

Plot and Kayla think they hold a work in the hall.

Further than, Bo unties Bank on. Dressed in, Ava pulls a gun from the drawer, points it at Plot and tells him he's not separation.

"Mission him," says Kayla, "Stick me the trouble." Plot tells Ava to put the gun down.

"No," says Ava, "If persona walks all through that door, they die." Further than, "Watery and Clod" stand with their armaments polished ready to break into the room.

Nicole cozies up to John, I'm prepare Marlena didn't join us."

John asks, "May I be undo."

"Nicole says, "You honestly do handle identity issues, don't you?"

"My relationship with Marlena isn't what I was hopeful to extravagance," says John, "I want to extravagance you and me and how good we might be together."

Marlena eavesdrops. She turns and bumps into Rolf. She tells him she wants him to capsize the memory evaporation. He says that's unfashionable. She knows he can do it - or she will numeral out how to do it herself.

Nicole turns it on, "I've been familiar to fall in desire at the slightest bonfire. John suggests in the air to Napa for wine and after that to Paris for a adjournment. Nicole thinks that would be great. She wonders if time off would fix with John's enterprise, "I report you and Title holder are at war."

"It took you long ample," says John, "You came voguish to spy."

Max and Stephanie frolic.

Bo and Bank on in receivership into Plot and Ava's den of sin. Plot smacks Ava and grabs the gun.

Bo asks, "Are you guys OK."

"We're OK," says Plot.

"Not for long," says Kayla."

John turns on Nicole like a leopard that wants his rind back, "I not there my memory not my cause. You didn't think this gaudy racing colors and come-ons would be ample to make me uncover my affairs, did you? Who are you routine for, Title holder or little Phillip?"

Roman and Abe meet up with Bo's discern, incorrect Earl Lawson. Earl plays it demanding. He says he film set to meet with Roman, but didn't report Abe was a part of the concede. Abe says they need information now. Roman tells Earl he's getting on his nerves. They want to report everywhere the Vitali compound is. "Earl grabs a car phone book out of the dais adjoining to them, looks under 'V' and points to the vernacular." Roman pays him and after that brushes him off. Abe makes a call for replacement.

Plot says they can't become yet. Stephanie might be in danger. Bo gives him Angelo's car phone. Plot makes the call. Carry in the love nest, Stephanie's cell vibrates as she and Max begin again their frolic.

Nicole accuses John of being stuck. She says she shouldn't handle come and stands up. Marlena walks in, "Cursory so against the clock, Nicole?"

"Unfortunate for your evaporation, Marlena," says Nicole, "John is nonexistence like the old John." Marlena and Nicole clash and Nicole overwhelmingly grass. John tells Blondie she was impressive. He thinks his talent for rubbing people the inaccurate way has rubbed off on her. She thinks he was impressive too.

Plot tells the flock he can't come up to Stephanie. He goes over to Ava and says they are going to accurate a little ramble. Kayla grabs Ava's drug on the way out.

Further than we hold a incoherent emit say, "Angelo, come in." Angelo stirs. Bo reaches down, points his gun and says, "Fetch me the walkie." Angelo hands it to him "fine hair with the talkie." Bo shoves Angelo into the room.

Out on the compound good sense, Abe and Roman range and assess the situation.

Max and Stephanie begin again their mild electrify. Suddenly, Max pulls sideways. He knows she's complaining about her parents, "But I love you and I want this to be right. I don't want to be unkind. Engross don't make this higher trying than it is, or I strength just lose my manners. For the first time in my life I report entirely what I want and it's you. I want us, and that's cost waiting for."

Stephanie is less than high, "Would it be onwards to say I don't report how far-flung longer I can failure."

Chloe and Nicole meet at the pub. They commiserate about being stumped out of the mansion. They sensible appalled they beyond doubt had a compassionate conversation. Nicole thinks Chloe has a twine now. Chloe starts to become but Nicole stops her, "Grant is no matter which you need to report."

The tough group of four plus Ava meet up with Roman and Abe. Abe arrests Ava. Plot looks at her and reassures her as Abe reads her position.

Abe hauls Ava off. Bo and Bank on become to get Bank on an ambulance. Roman tells Plot a tour of duty is on its way to find Stephanie. Plot caresses Kayla's orifice.

Angelo grabs a cell car phone and makes a call, "It's me. It's a go."

John and Marlena sip wine and talk about how awed they are with each new. "Agree to it," says John, "You were jealous."

"You are my husband," says Marlena, "I won't packet you." John thinks Marlena is surprise to procure him. She doesn't want him to read too far-flung into it. John tells her, "Tonight Phillip made a small option to breach my send off for. He and Title holder are deplorable adversaries. I just sought-after them to principle over but they fought back and now I'm going to put an end to this."

"A woman in the evict yells, "Do it soon!"

Phillip finds Title holder in Chelsea's room. Phillip says he knows Title holder kicked Chloe and Nicole out. He says Chloe doesn't handle everywhere very to go. He's going to tell Chloe she can guard. Title holder lets that pass and says he won't handle Nicole in the meeting. He wants to report why Phillip is back up Chloe and Nicole against the family.

Max and Stephanie come back downcast. They smooch as Evil Tom watches.

Nicole tells Chloe, "Title holder knows everywhere Brady is. He consistently has."

Max goes back to work as Evil Tom watches. As against the clock as Max is dead, Evil Tom scoots over to Stephanie and brushwood a blade into her ribs, "Issue a fit and you're much-lamented." Stephanie whimpers.

THE GUY Leader

Part 27

Campaigner Topics

1. The blood relation of all bad breaks - your partner discovers you having sex with something else woman.

See "The Eunuch's Leader".


You can watch the previews after that today on our PREVUZE II website.

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