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Saturday, October 13, 2012

I Need Some Advice With Guys Please Help

I Need Some Advice With Guys Please Help
hey guyssim 14 and i sincerely like this guy. we're sincerely good friends and he's sparsely the sweetest guy i request. he's whichever a sincerely big flirt. my best friend consideration that he liked me too and talked to him about it. he alleged that he doent want a girlfriend right now. do you think i necessitate tell him how i feel? or just go on being friends?i sincerely need some advice on this. i dont want to make supplies improper, but he sincerely is uncommon. detection soo a great deal for your help.%26lt;3I need some advice with guys. convince help?well whenever faction asks me if i like everyone i predictably lie so tht they dont go of telling someone and beginning rumors. but thts just me. if he is flirting with you and is everlastingly happy to see you no matter what afterward he additional afterward anticipated likes you. he just may not want a girlfriend yet. you necessitate conceivably tell him how you feel if he doesnt earlier request.good luck!


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