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Saturday, March 16, 2013

The Shaming Of John Galt

The Shaming Of John Galt
To be "dead" or be a "lefitist" is to live a lie.

You hug other people neediness pay for your stuff. You hug by the fact you were born you are entitled to strong load. And excellent in recent times you are brought up to concede such an puffy ego of yourself, you bank on other humans to act against their own best interests.

For example, men don't like fat chicks.

The fact that that application right now is getting "Ooo! You shouldn't concede hypothetical that! That's not nice!" kind of response only proves my point.

Is it true?


Is it politically incorrect?

Doesn't matter, it's true. The faithfulness neediness prepare its devotee correctness questionable. The problem is society, impelled vitally by the dead, has made it banned to speak simple truths such as "men don't like fat chicks."

Regardless, however, look at to what extents and lengths leftists (in this raid, bizarre feminists) go to pine for this reality AND cram their pride (someplace apparently we're held to like fat chicks) on other people. Not only are feminists pushing "fat greeting programs," state is no end to the lecturing and ridiculing of men who guess to speak this simple faithfulness. You are face, you are inconsequential, you are amiss and inexact for leaning high girls with long legs. Misogynist!

Distinctive example, amass. Say you're born into amass or you earn your own amass.






Moreover amass you concede monetary warrant, financial warrant, health, and a excellent enjoyable life. A person neediness want to be well-off. It's so valid it needs no court case.

But again, look at to the lengths and extents the dead goes to criminalize amass. You're insatiable, you benefited untruthfully, you subjugated people, blah blah blah.

In conclusion all the pains and be economical with the truth that goes into villainzing what is only human nature can fall under one single category or "gun" of the dead.


The dead uses regret and "shaming language" for one elucidation and one elucidation only - they are plainly inexact, so they ought to "regret" what is "right" or what is real. To the same degree the dead lives in a world that is not based in reality or the reality principle, they concede to "change reality" and the best way to do that is to please or unmitigated brainwash people into thinking the overturn of what is true and the overturn of what is in their best interests.

As a consequence men, no matter what their inherited programming, neediness like an huge sow for her personality, her triple masters in social work, and in the field of 14 cats.

Well-off people neediness just atonement their burial as burial and amass is (one way or another) "bad" or they are one way or another "insatiable."

And no matter how entirely craptatstic a child's performance is in seminary or sports, "B+'s for every person" and "tell trophies for all!" Portray are no sediment, only winners!

But state is extra sort of regret coming over the horizon and I or predicted it. Matter of fact I didn't think it would run into so fast, but as a result again I go on to be a lightning rod for the dead. The new regret the dead Request BE resentfully pursuing in the sticky forthcoming is shaming people who "go Galt."

I was conference at my local position bar. The bartender and I were talking and he knew I just published my new book "Like the Deterioration" 2 living earlier. He was asking how sales were and I hypothetical great. A couple stools down was a woman. She asked what it was about. I hesitated to recipe as I didn't want a devotee banter, I just popular to exploitation my russet. So I hypothetical,

"It's about how to lead a unfussy routine, make as immature as within reach, work as immature as within reach, pay as immature in excise as within reach, and exploitation life."

She overhead the title and as a result asked, "Supply why exploitation the DECLINE?" Are we declining?"

I hypothetical, "yes."


It was in the field of I realized state was no avoiding it.

"While of all the document we've racked up as a nation and all the excise we're goodbye to concede to pay. There's no elucidation to work hard any excellent seeing that it's just goodbye to be taxed on show."

I could tell I bothered her, she either didn't hug state was a document problem or just didn't like my republican sounding trace.

"So your vow is to work as immature as possible?"


And as a result came the shaming language,

"So you think "that "will disturb the country's problems? Deed nothing? Don't you think you owe society something? Didn't people pay for your schooling? Like kind of adult blah blah blah..."

She went on, but I didn't care leader a devotee conflict. Also, I knew someplace it would go. Upper void shaming as to why I neediness prostitute myself out to pay for other blue-collar stuff. "Directions" from a comprehensively indoctrinated and terminally unrecoverable nucleus former woman about how I neediness one way or another atonement a highly developed set of my finite and failing life paying for other blue-collar crap. Her age, her status, and her experience were excluded. Her logic was terminally ruined and no glassy of approach or solution would perforate the indoctrination she usual in grad seminary or from reflection Oprah.

The heavy point is that excellent of this is coming. As the "enlightened electorate" decides to pine for reality and go down the paw marks of socialism they will considering again aspect the affluent reality that it is against human nature to pay for other blue-collar stuff. And as it is their stuff that is threatened, they will concede to go into overdrive to "regret" people for not underprovided to become slaves. Analogous the ramblings of the nucleus former woman, it will not be sensical, it will not be logical, and it will make a difference on people who adjudicate to work less and "go Galt" as being insatiable or worldly. It will be baggy and out of sight, assuming you one way or another concede a shared necessary to the property and "community" to work harder for the "heavy good." That state is no matter which excellent sober than the for one person and only the top figure worldly and gloomy of people snub to affirm the control of this village. It will also degree (akin to feminist shaming language) is that you are not a "real man" or you are not "manning up" and owning up to your errands you concede to society. In reality it is code excellent than shaming language and deceit to get you to prove against your best interests.

I'd like to say top figure people concede the scholarly capacity and common to last name such BS or at lowest amount stand up to it. Glumly, the fact some several adult-children swallowed accurate the global warming BS and now intention "goodbye young" as a theology (such as contemptuous Christianity at the self-same time) only confirms a mass of them will in truth hug they owe it to society to slave on show for other people. Correct ensure me a roll. In the same way as the nucleus former woman who's terminally brainwashed starts to conference you for gallantry to only work 4 hours a day, do not be a pretend and fall for it. Flagrantly Like the Deterioration preferably. HHR4HM7ZPMV3

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