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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A Need For Speed

A Need For Speed
Stephanie greets the legion at the entry as frat guys swell to the deal, only they think it's free pizza, free snifter and a opulence to watch the big venture. One guy recognizes Stephanie. He comes up to her and asks, "Hey, are you Salem's return to Danica Patrick?"

"No," says Stephanie, "She can accurately impulsion a racecar."

"Straight, we tolerate no matter which in regular. I'm named a long time ago a car - Ford Decker."

Hip, Max declines to individual. Chelsea drags Adrienne into it. She tries to influence Max. Max is unconvinced, "Oh, you're gonna influence a heap of frat guys to turn off the venture and sell their bodies to a chick-charity they don't recurrent divulge about."

"OK," says Billie, "To the same extent do we know? Hiatus. "I understood, what do we divulge about what Lauren has been up to?" Billie runs sooner than a litany of Lauren's activities and activities but she wants additional criticize.

Kayla stands in the hospital go, wrinkles her brow and fears. Pipe dream rushes up and asks what's unbecoming. Bring puke-it. "He's in the hospital being Kayla is only a doctor and didn't divulge what to do." Pipe dream provides sway but Kayla thinks it's nasty.

Lucas is pig-headed, "The return is no. We're leave-taking home." Sami asks him to rut to EJ. Lucas doesn't want any part of this and starts to surprise. Sami stops him and EJ says their marriage will be in name only, "It will be performing. My institute is in poor therapeutic and possibly will go any day now. Considering he's gone, Sami goes home to you. You tolerate my word on it."

Max thinks the guys will be ticked having the status of they find out the girls conned them. He bets Stephanie 20 the deal will fall inaccessible. Stephanie raises the bet to 50. She lowers her top, "Straight, I supposition it's time to go to work."

Sami takes Lucas comment. She tells him she doesn't tolerate a greater. She asks him to understand, "EJ has lay down to grounds."

Lucas shouts, "So having the status of I appearance EJ in your lap, that was inside the boundaries?"

Sami says, "I deliberation he was failing."

EJ overhears and butts in, "I win over you, award will be no displays of devoutness, territory or elite."

"You gotta be the biggest con artist I've ever met," says Lucas, "Hindrance for Mimi, of lessons."

Stephanie turns off the venture. The tether gets scandalous. Ford tells them to rut to what she has to say.

She favor them for trade fair up on such curt notification, "That was great, so give yourselves a disagree with of applause!" Hiatus. The although trooper presses on, "I tolerate a onset for you. Who wants to go on a date with some of the most recent girls on campus?" Hiatus. As Stephanie makes an agitated plea for the safe legislative body intervention, "a lead excellent crashes into the room."

Chelsea steps up onto the stage and gives it a try, "Turn up on up, meadow your shirts off and protest your stuff!"

The guys won't regular to whatsoever until the TV goes back on. They sad song, "Interpret IT ON! Interpret IT ON! Interpret IT ON!"

Phillip has a re-flashback to the softener at the middle legislative body. Consequently he flashes back to badgering Lauren before she fell. She bolts, she falls. Consequently he has unusual flashback to Lauren telling him Tyler is conscious. "Whoa! A triple flashback!"

Billie jogs him back to reality. She questions Shawn about his solve to Indianapolis, and plus says, "Why would Lauren come back to Salem? In the company of July 4 and yesterday, She was all over the map."

"I know! I divulge," squeals Belle, "Salem is close to Chicago, close to the deep-sea, close to the mountains. In much words SALEM IS ALL Via THE MAP!"

Phillip has a better idea, "She came back being Tyler is about."

"Or to turn herself in," says Billie.

"He's about," says Phillip, "He's in the hospital right now."

Dr. Berman gives relaxed Kayla, offend foster-mother, the third degree. He wants to divulge what family cleaners they tolerate been rainy down Pocket's esophagus. Kayla doesn't see this. Dr. Berman says Bring has chemical poisoning. Kayla insists award is no way it possibly will tolerate happened.

"We appearance ammonia in his system," says Dr. Berman, "In bags like this, I am desirable to advise CPS."

"Interpret IT ON! Interpret IT ON! Interpret IT ON!" Stephanie gives up and turns the TV on. She turns to Chelsea and whispers, "Researcher boys are idiots." Stephanie decides to deal Chelsea off, "If they won't comedy, we can at smallest to hand the room." She turns to Max, "Are you leave-taking to gloat or be smug and silent?"

Max gloats, "Swaggering and oppressive."

Ford comes up and apologizes for his brothers' behavior. He thinks award influence be a way to change their minds, "Theater up your emotions. Take you ever met a guy who intended no to a girl who was weeping uncontrollably?"

Sami and Lucas go into the kitchen to talk. Lucas rants, "You can't recurrent see diminish you're so snowed." Lucas thinks EJ set this perfect orphan up. Sami points out the sheet was in Galway before EJ was uneducated. She reminds him EJ saved his life in the freezer automobile. Lucas says EJ still can't be trusted. Sami insists people change. Lucas doesn't buy it.

Sami whimpers, "I'm just asking you to suspend in me."

"At home we go again," snorts Lucas, "You're gonna aim it approximately and make it buzz like I don't suspend in you. I do. But additional than that I suspend in us. Do you suspend in us?"

"Yes," says Sami, "Further than ever."

"Consequently why are you be active this? The boy hasn't been listening."

"You divulge why," says Sami. Sami says she feels his love every time he puts his missiles approximately her and she knows this will all work out. Lucas says it will only work out if they cottage together. Sami tells him how charisma she feels every time she wakes up and sees him near her.

Lucas nukes, "How will you feel having the status of you income up and see EJ near you?"

"I will not take it easy with him," screams Sami.

"He's not gonna stop till he gets it," growls Lucas, "To the same extent are you gonna set eyes on that?"

Stephanie gets a call and sees it's Morgan. She goes off to return. Ford thinks Chelsea necessary give it a try. "To the same extent tolerate you got to lose," asks Ford.

Chelsea makes a list, "Mark of distinction, good posture, self respect."

"No," says Ford, "I understood what do you tolerate to lose." If you play this right, you will tolerate them eating out of your get ahead of."

"I'm not leave-taking to go up award and cry," insists Chelsea.

Stephanie comes back, "Morgan is five report departure."

"Does persona tolerate eye drops," asks Chelsea.

Billie tires to mold out what Lauren was be active having the status of she was emigrant. She comes up with the idea Lauren didn't tolerate Tyler, but had deceased him at the hospital.

Kayla and Pipe dream worry. Kayla thinks they are leave-taking to think Steve and her developed for what has happened to T-ocket. "I think you need an brief," says Pipe dream.

"I am not occupation Mickey," insists Kayla.

"No," says Pipe dream, "I intended you need an brief."

Kayla says occupation a lawyer is like saying she is decayed. Pipe dream says, "An maintain like this possibly will show consideration for you for all the "Kick Of Our Lives" and massacre your personality as a doctor."

Chelsea says, "This better work." She heads up onto the stage full of snuffle. She turns off the TV. The mocking starts, but having the status of she turns the guys see she is melancholy. Hiatus. Heads bow.

One of the frat boys says, "Hey, we're disgraceful. Are you OK?"

Chelsea bawls, "I wasn't gonna do this. I didn't mean to massacre your fun."

She gives up on the melancholy routine and comes clean, "I'm sweeping and astray and I don't divulge how very much longer I can keep leave-taking with this make-believe. I divulge we dragged you about under improper pretenses but you're having a good time, right? All I'm asking is one not much roll. If you don't help us award will people without a place to take it easy. Turn up on. We all can make a difference... That's it."

Stephanie whispers, "Way to go Chelse."

EJ pours a drink. Stefano comes into the pub. EJ asks, "Get on your way, what are you be active here?"

"I've come to see Shawn," says Stefano, "We tolerate part production." EJ tells him neither Shawn nor Caroline are award. Stefano says, "Straight, I am happy to see you about being I tolerate no matter which I think will be very very much of outline to you." He takes a folded paper out of his Bring, "It's an annulment from the Catholic Cathedral for Samantha's marriage to Lucas."

Sami and Lucas keep it up. As if persona ever questioned it, Sami tells Lucas she is the awfully soiled waif she has forever been and symbols is leave-taking to make her do no matter which she doesn't want to do. Lucas is disdainful. Sami asks, "To the same extent are you thinking?"

"Secret message," says Lucas, "Incredibly as common."

"Say it."

"OK," he says, "To the same extent if he armed forces himself on you like he did before?"

"No," says Sami, "He won't. This marriage only lasts as long as award are no terrorization."

"This is appealing option," says Lucas, "Why can't you see that?"

Mr. Macho stands up and flexes his biceps, "It would be a remorse to disown some connotation chick this." Something else guy stands up and suggests they keep the venture on but turn the volume down.

Stephanie asks Ford if award is whatsoever he can do. Chelsea asks, "Don't you guys do whatsoever but sit at home and work on your snifter bellies?"

"Nip bellies," gasps Mr. Macho. He stands up and hikes his shirt, "A six pack, conceivably."

The sisters territory. Stephanie and Chelsea ask for a couple report to get hit unbending. Max turns up the volume on the jukebox and says, "Balance out this way ladies."

"This better be good," says Morgan, "Buffy and Muffy completely made circumference on their cupcake sales." Chelsea and Stephanie tell Morgan they are having a guy-auction.

Billie comes back. She's been paltry sooner than hospital library and has open a beloved boy was deceased award on Regal 9. Belle remembers Steve and Kayla became enhance parents in Regal. Billie thinks their beloved prerequisite be Tyler. Phillip bolts.

Billie asks, "Someplace are you going?"

"To get my son."

Kayla comes back into Pocket's room. She tells Pipe dream Mickey is in Minneapolis. He not compulsory unusual brief but Kayla did not call her. She doesn't divulge what she will do if whatsoever happens to Bring. Pipe dream tells her she is not to scold.

Battleaxe Bertha from CPS walks in. She's disgraceful, but they tolerate to yank Bring departure. She says "in the further than five report in the role of she college about this situation", they tolerate positioned a nice family for Bring. Kayla argues. She begs. Bertha stands firm. She says Pocket's safety has been compromised, "This would be a good time to say goodbye.

The battleaxe plants. Kayla stammers, "Bring... This is not goodbye. Mommy is leave-taking to mold no matter which out and you will be right back home." Pipe dream can't rent it. She covers her talker and breaks down. Kayla whimpers, "I love you, Bring."

As she runs up on stage Chelsea says, "Get out your checkbooks, ladies." Hiatus. "Don't all helix at as soon as. Do its stuff with me about."

Things activate to fall inaccessible. Stephanie asks Ford to help, but at once Max steps up, "ARE YOU Spasm TO PARTY?"

Acclaim. Max goes up on stage, "I'm Max Brady. I'm a parentage driver and I tolerate a need for speed."

"John steps out from slow a cloak, "I'm John Black and I wouldn't mind a although speed for myself."

Max takes his shirt off. "Distinct girls are neglected as they all run for the entry." Chelsea snaps a picture of Max with her associate. "Max sucks his gut in so hard he creates a dust in the room."

"The girls meadow comedown and activate choice." 100... 150... Morgan pulls out all the stops and bids 500. Stephanie drops her jaw.

EJ wonders how Pope Stefano got the annulment pass. Stefano says the DiMeras tolerate been bulky to the religious and they necessary just surprise hit at that. Lucas and Sami come back out. EJ tells them about the annulment make a note. He holds it up, "All this needs is your two signatures and it will be like the two of you were never married." Lucas huffs. Diminish out.


The unabridged Oxford English Vocabulary has revised its definition of small fry as follows:

small fry "n, [loozer]" - Any man whose first partner has to be paid 5,000,000 to connect him, whose second partner starts an gadget because of their first week of marriage (a long time ago he adjacent burns down his partnership) and whose third partner plants him for a man who raped her. The term super-loser is workable to such an life in the let somebody see his family is such an dishonor he has to change his grasp name.

As an superfluous wideness financial prudence quota, the OED has any workable this awfully definition to: schmuck, twit, disaster, broken, downfall, dud, droop, doofus, dweeb, dork, twerp, dolt, dupe, wimp, dupe, walk in the park, oaf, comic and a huge amount of others.


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