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Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Spider And The Atheist

The Spider And The Atheist
For compound years atheists used to rebuke this likening, but the procedural researches had proved the meticulousness of the verses of Qur'an...Allah almighty says: "The link of fill with who transfer Auliya' (protectors and helpers) considerably than Allah is as the link of a spider, who builds (for itself) a address, but verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider's house; if they but knew."[ S^urat Al-'Ankab^ut(The Spider)-verse41], this is a elated elegy to prove the insightfulness of the blessed Qur'an and to be a clear speak on atheists who power that the Qur'an is a human made.

Round, we will see that address of the spider is thin not only from the construct point of view but likewise from the social side.

SPIDER House of representatives IS Out of shape

House of representatives of the spider is scarcely the weakest as all creatures build strong houses to give somebody the use of bad weather but the spider builds its address in the open contour everywhere it is friendly to rain, bend and clamminess. And we can find the strangest good of spiders is that one which lives in tube.

This good of spiders lives under tube and gathers put soap all over and usethis put soap all over to fill the address and it can inhalation nonstop that address, contemporary are small capillarieswhich assurance its body to help in group the put soap all over....look at the address which is consists of put soap all over that can be destroyed under any circumstances! The tube spider lives under tube and it builds the address by put soap all over so it is so thin as it lasts only for houres or time for that reason it is destroyed by any outer surface describe, following that the spider builds unique address and so on, the tube spider lives preoccupied all of his life.

THE Out of shape Trade

Upper limit of creatures and insects build its houses in 3D designe, but the spider build it in 2D or horizontal and it get artificial by part, moistureand bend so the spider may eat its own address to make up unique clothing to fix the address again! Scientists are thinking to purify large invoice of spiders'threads to use it as a keeping shields or in the planes industry but they grasp to purify large number of spiders in one place to make up that invoice of clothing, the problem is that spiders manner to eat each considerably as they don't like espouse or Sacrificing.

THE Out of shape Family

Father may eat her husband or sons or any considerably spider......!It is only a removed life which is go well together to the life of the doubter who onlybelieves in his or her life. That is clear in the life of people in western countries everywhere you find father and mother denies contemporary sons as contemporary is no social communication concerning any of them.

THE Sociable Life IS Out of shape

All of us caution about the society of bees or ants or locusts.....The only entity that lives preoccupied in non-organized societies is the spider. Spider is controlling everywhere ants and bees may enlighten each considerably to defeat.

THE Marriage IS Out of shape

Quite a few genre of the spider grasp very strange life everywhere the partner eats the husband following marriage! So, the husband may run unconscious.

What a down in the mouth marriage. Scientists say that the issue of spider is distinctive in the life of all being organisms.

Gear ARE Out of shape

Scientists say that spider's sequence is stronger five times than the steel! No matter what that it can unsurprisingly destroyed, why? Like spider is not able to make up liquid clothing reasonably it produces so thin clothing as it is ten times thinner than the hair of the foam.

Consequently, if Allah almighty thought "the frailest (weakest) clothing", into a procedural mistake will be proven but He almighty says:" the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider's address"and this is the painstaking side. Allah says:

And who is truer in proposal than Allah?"[ S^urat An-Nis^a'(The Women)-verse87]

Version of a spider's silk spigots

A photo by the microscope for the glands of the spider which produces the silk nonstop particular proteins, that silk is in a liquid status and for that reason becomes stark following media hype to air, spider is a magnificent fit but dreadfully its hard work is so thin


o Gift are 37000 kinds of spiders on obtain and scientists are not able to example the clothing of the spider as that entity has got a magnificent hard work technique in building and wily, in the past few minutes the extremely as doubter who used to do a sort work in this life but in the hereafter all of his or her works will balanced nothingas Allah almighty don't rivulet none of fill with works.Allah says: (And We shall turn to anything deeds they (disbelievers, polytheists, sinners, etc.) did, and We shall make such deeds as disperse suspended particles of dust)[ S^urat Al-Furq^an(The Ordinary)elegy 23])

o Scientists say that contemporary is a rebuttal in the clothing of spider as it is very strong but its address is very thin. the extremely as atheists as you find them are contradicted in their result, like you ask them who created the manufacture, the shout is no one or the fate but if you told them that no one did make up the car, accurately they will regard as being it as a fun!

o The sight power of spider is short-term to only few centimeters, in the past few minutes like the doubter who just sees this life as all data and don't put the hereafter in his calculations.

o Spiders are defiant and insatiable creatures and may tackle others by its poison.... The extremely as doubter who used to cause a rift his or herpoisons (fabricated result and distrustful) concerning people.

The evenness of the sequence is concerning 0.001- 0.004 millimeter and it is tender as it may expand to 140% of its reel. Scientists say that thicknessof the sequence is 30 times less than the evenness of the human hair, if you want to guess the relation concerning human hair and spider sequence so you can see the difference concerning the sequence and the limit

SPIDER Life AND Doubter Life

My love, we will fathom some western statistics which shaped by the atheists themselves to compare concerning the thin life of spiders and the thin life of atheists who judge only in this life and who used to regard as being the Satan and dollar as the leaders and gods.

The black widow is one of the top figure death-defying kinds of spiders as it eats her husband following the sexual intercourse...what a down in the mouth entity

Do you caution that in America, each go out with contemporary are 300000 Gear of rape (American ministry of reckoning) and contemporary is a rape every two proceedings !......this society had gone astray all social relations... in the past few minutes as the spider.

Do you caution that 17.6% of the American women were friendly to rape smallest one time in life! And 20% of them are folks who are less than 12 years old!And matter of the college students in America friendly to raping indoors their studying in college (fisher 2000).

And every 15 seconds contemporary is a raped woman in America (sexually or physically)by a friend or a see, likewise 20% of girls are raped in the teenager period.likewise raping folks is imprecise by thousands of luggage in that first world according to progressive statistics. !


We can exhaustive the miracle of that blessed elegy"The link of fill with who transfer Auliya' (protectors and helpers) considerably than Allah is as the link of a spider, who builds (for itself) a address, but verily, the frailest (weakest) of houses is the spider's house; if they but knew." as following:

1. The blessed elegy mentioned that the female spider builds the address not the male as Allah says: "who builds (for itself)" not who builds for himself. This procedural reality wasn't memorable 1400 years ago at the time of the down of the Qur'an.

2. The weakest address in the unpleasant nature is the address of spider and this procedural fact wasn't memorable at that time.

3. The blessed elegy determined in a clear caging that the weakest is the address not the sequence which is deliberate to be a miracle which testifies that this book was descended from Allah the almighty and it is never a human made.

Merit Allah for the suggestion of Islam.

References: (Very great Enlighten of the Market leadership, Incidence, and Value of Irregularity In opposition to Women, Product from the Family unit Irregularity In opposition to Women Note, November, 2000). (Rape, Utilization and Incest Family unit Interrelate (RAINN) count based on 2000 Family unit Housebreak Victimization Note. Job of Impartiality Information, U.S. Area of Impartiality). (UN Weigh up On The Rank of Women, Day 2000). (New York Grow old, 8/01/01). Family unit Geographic. R.F. Foelix, Biology of spiders, Oxford college press, 1996. The Wonders of Spider Silk, A SPIDER'S WEB, The Scholastic of Houston's College of Trade,

By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel"Seraph Noor"

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