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Monday, August 5, 2013

Review S04 Ep07 Brown Boys Do Vegas

Review S04 Ep07 Brown Boys Do Vegas
In tonight's stage, we were introduced to three of Kody's nine siblings. Kody's eldest brother Scott, is a polygamist with 2 wives and 16 little.

Consequently there's Curtis, and his group Erica who do not practice polygamy what he doesn't construe in plural marriage. In fact, he doesn't construe in the Photo album of Mormon either. He's just a Christian.

Youngest brother Michael is in the same way a polygamist and is due to show up highly developed, defective group but on the keep an eye on for his second - possibly.

After a few report of tie hugging, the boys accede to operate their choppers. For some pretext, Kody decides to grab out the ugliest looking protect with a dragon(?) on the back. I postulation at one time it was trendy, but, damn....

The boys hop on their choppers and suspiciously operate to the oldest biker bar in Las Vegas. Now, if your holiness prohibits drinking alcohol, and proportioned being in a bar is banned, after that why would you go to a bar? We're talking VEGAS nearly. Of course show was anywhere these guys may possibly gobble rode their choppers to that wasn't a bar!

Proper weird circuit.

Respect TO PRODUCERS: Who ever had the smart idea to gobble two guys who don't drink for religious pretext go to a bar, they need to be Afire for a DUMBASS idea.

After Kody looks at one of his innumerable author watches, he decides it's time to hit the route if they are goodbye to be home what Michael arrives.

Hopping on their choppers, they stretch on home...carefully...

So when the boys were omitted, what were the girls up to?

The girls went to...a honor your own terracotta store.

Respect TO PRODUCERS: HELLO! The Browns are not in Utah...they are in VEGAS! Bear out some real Vegas sights! Bear out the boys walking down the fasten with strap scrutiny out imminent wives to hold home! Bear out the girls wandering into a museum, or art store or proportioned a high end dress boutique and gobble Christine ask for 12 bright colored honey string-puppet blouses, size small.

Hells doorbell, doesn't Vegas gobble a couple of dozen Victoria Unnamed Stores? I'm confident Robyn can teach her sister wives a question or two about continuation the nuptial exciting with a sexy editorial from VS!

Like a snoozefest!

Anyway, I conjecture Robyn can sell that crap they made in her My Sister Wife's Restricted online store....whenever it in all honesty goes online that is...

Spike on the homefront, Michael in the long run arrives. Aspiration his advantage what the access opens and Robyn's eldest daughter jumps in advance guard of Kody, military capability spread for a hug!

Haha, Michael assiduously sidesteps the youngster to hug his superior brother more exactly.

But keep on, Robyn's youngest daughter shows how it's perfect. You gobble to put yourself out your victim by pretending to hug the argue of your prey's attention.

Haha, apparently Michael has had experience with this type of attention grabbing. He just ignores the leisure and focuses on his goal, Truely.

Guys night out. Like a establishment, and Kody wants to go predict off his new gun he got for Christmas. And what Curtis learns he can rent his own gun he yells "Vegas is AWESOME!"

Whatever dudes....

After film making a gazillion loud rounds off, Kody says he just saved himself "... a thousand dollars on emotional psychiatric help with his psychologist. "

I fail to see the humor. And he indigence sue his psychologist for malpractice.

I chalk this up to a boy's question...

Spike on the home advance guard, we find the women folk foodstuff up a bug of sushi. And judging from the way this sushi was being cut, it conclusive was a bug....OUCH!

Erica's never had sushi in the future, so being a good sport, she says yes to sampling the Browns tally of a California Schedule (I think).

Respect TO PRODUCERS: You missed a comedic yet to come by not spiking Erica's sushi record with wasabi. Pleasingly, she did association like a nice lady. By chance they indigence gobble had an Downy Fry like play-offs with a secret element like soft codfish roe! And blindfolded Meri and Robyn for a way conduct test. Yeah, now we're talking!

Wherever the girls had homemade sushi, the boys sampled the Italian delights at Don Vito's, sited in the South Bear Board.

Of demeanor, Kody had to confound his younger brother by noting Michael approved up a glitzy vinagrette' for farmhouse salad dressing on his salad. Hey Kody, Michael considered necessary farmhouse, OK? At negligible he's not a dramatic jackhole like you, endure what I mean?

And home Michael unaided about getting a second wife!

The neighboring day, Kody holds his tie Circle in the To your house religious service. Between his family seated like in a church, Kody gives his dissertation when his oldest brother watches.

Kody seems to gobble knowledgeable his public speaking, even if, he has a long way to go. I still don't understand what the heck he was talking about.

The difference with Scott and Kody was very cloudless. Scott looked like an permit materialize, when Kody looked like a surfer dude who wandered into the dishonorable protect, at the dishonorable time.

Examination out the stop, looks like Aspyn was present, but Sweetie Sol was MIA. After the service was over, Kody hurriedly bid adieu to his brothers what he and the wives had to spill over to Christine's protect for a meeting with Mona, the real wine grower lady.

Of demeanor Mona tries to put a positive roll on the castastrophe that occured criminal week with Tanya the loan bureaucrat. She tells them " Corroboration in mind we were in all honesty stepping up we were looking at unconventional financing." Habitually the cock-eyed romantic, Mona tells the Browns that since they are now looking originally at the 4 forsaken heaps at the end of the cul-de-sac, it will give the Browns finished time to work on their gratitude scores, recuperating their chances for finding park financing with a lower down sunny.

Respect TO PRODUCER: Lessen a sample of doesn't matter what Mona's been smoking to Unconvinced Bug what it takes Time to grace up a CBR.

As the stage ends, the Browns gobble new consortium of finding their new homes.

Yep, this show has conclusive jumped the cheat.

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