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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Power Of Our Jiggle Jiggly Boo Dance Crew

The Power Of Our Jiggle Jiggly Boo Dance Crew

Cross posted from my Media Payback Dossier

The taking into account uncommon months have been amazing! Not only have I had a money-spinning time teaching some bloat students, and gratifying with people arrived at Increase by two, but I've next made 6 fabulous new friends! In January of this day I saw a call for fat dancers at my friend Joe's blog. Behind I heard about the Jiggly Boo Shove Revelry (JBDC) it was like my life finally began to make plan.

I not only was I without delay prying, while I love to dance, but while this was a clean that people were seeking to compound with dancers who are often irrelevant from dance communities. The call stated:

Jiggly Boo Shove Revelry is a by a long way indispensable project for exploring the learned and juicy potential of the fat dancing body. Inside the Western performance context, fat bodies are scrupulously irrelevant or typecast into degrading or ancillary roles.

Inside this outline, Jiggly Boo Shove Revelry (founded by Alice Fu and Kantara Souffrant) will run a round of workshops which will close up in a performance. These workshops will compound a clean in which other self-identified female "fat" dancers, movers, and performers, can native tongue about the opinionated questions: Whatsoever is a "fat dancing body"? How are fat bodies read, understood, felt (impressively and viscerally) and represented? Whatsoever does it mean to cry out oneself as a "fat dancing body" and what are the taking sides implications of identifying oneself as such? How can (re)presentations of fat dancing bodies be understood contrary to critical pondering of quiver, gender, sexuality, and the taking sides movement of bodies that have been typically marginalized and invisibilized happening Western stage dance?

With respect to their use of the word "fat" co-founders Kantara and Alice write:

On the exploit of "fat": Jiggly Boo Shove Revelry thoughtfully reclaims and uses the word "fat" as hostile to other euphemisms (i.e. "plus-sized" or "big-boned") to consider the politics of size-deviant bodies. Our reclamatory gesture next pays tax to district studies, such as unexpected studies, that have viewed the reappropriation of words as part of a well-built taking sides divide of creating visibility and powerful hegemonic discourses and systems of oppression.

I knew I pleasant to join. Every one part of my body and mind and spirit indispensable this. I immobile began to barefacedly slam the strap to my friends, constructive them to join with me. One of my publicity homegirls, Spark, who I've mentioned upfront, vital to go for it and signed up for an ask. Behind we first met Kantara and Alice at the NYU academia, of which I graduated from 10 time ago with a masters degree but still got complete, I knew it was love. Not just love like puppy, butterflies-in-the-stomach love, but love in all the furthermost subversive ways. Sensitivity for our bodies, love for how we move, love for what we predict, love for morally surviving in a world that doesn't love us back in the exact way we love the world.

A few weeks taking into consideration we all met and started to move. We had Jiggly Boo Journals and a series and exercises. Each of us gave voice to what we indispensable the clean to be for us, how we may possibly consecrate to the project and one unusual, how we may possibly compound a communal clean for healing. Our first session was put up the shutters to logistics, how we may possibly make and bear a frequent, what we would be prying in leading the group in a communal movement, and what we consider for a last event/workshop/performance.

As with frequent collectives and organizations represent were challenges with regards to time. Bestow were some scheduling challenges for all of us, I mean life happens: some of us got under the weather, some of us got jobs, I missed my Sunday Caribbean Photo album Nightclub, and represent were times such as I didn't have prosperity money to immobile get a metrocard to go to a session. It was next chilly and we had uncommon flurry storms as well. Depart, I have active work glands and had to shoulder sneakers or barely unfathomable socks while I was angst-ridden I'd error on all my work under my feet (was that too by a long way information? Oh well, it's true!)

But we all inspired. Devoted if we were not all together we inspired. I knew I may possibly move better than I had upfront unification JBDC while my Boo's have my back! There's whatever thing about being in a dance strap that gives one a plan of being 3D! And sometimes we barely are 3D give directions dance crews.

We immobile had our own photographer! Sherley Camille Olopherne amalgamated us for each session and much-admired our movements, management, and measures.

Our first few sessions were a challenge for me while such as I attention of dancing and movement I never attention about my voice or throat. Kantara led us give directions a voice/throat exercise that was critical and exceptionally healing. We made noises and grunted and felt the feelings in substitute parts of our bodies, how we inspired, how that decent was limitless from our body. Thus we made communal sounds together that reminded me of the deep-sea.

Each of us led other sessions on yoga, similes, African dance movements, folk dancing, Dancehall and art treatment. We had grounding of reading texts by Frantz Fanon and Audre Lorde and coming up with movements to commune with the group. We did activities everywhere we attention about parts of our bodies we think too by a long way about, and parts that we never think about and how they would speak to one unusual. We party with the group and bent movements about each. I think too by a long way about my lips/mouth and if they are glossy, or if the red lip highlight is still on or if it's bloody, or if I have lipstick on my teeth, or whatever thing in amongst my teeth. I next irregularly think about my wrists. We afterward used live in parts of our body to communicate with other popular body parts they party. Another of my favorites: we were blindfolded one by one and had to dance/run obliquely the room that we had bent some barriers in and all the Boos had to make fast you didn't get ill-treatment by distrustful the blindfolded person from the dividing wall with their body. This was a aspect challenge for my Boos while I was the tallest Jiggly Boo and my armaments are long too!

The first grounding I jump back in pretend, and that still speaks to me today, was about how we legalize our bodies. How we limitation our movement. I party how I limitation my movement to only pretend dances that don't force a partner, which is drippy of a no-no such as dances such as tap, merengue, cumbia, and partner dances in prevalent are fundamental cultural practices in my community. I don't want everybody holding me and telling me everywhere and how to use my body. Depart, I'm 6ft tall and fat with bushy hair, it's extra special to find a partner that's immobile close in physique to me. And immobile such as I do they may try to bustle me and it's eternally secular my hair may possibly get having difficulties in whatever thing they have on: a watch, a bangle, a ring, cufflinks, anything! And, if they are too short, it becomes an choice for them to rest on my breasts and that is barely tongue-tied. I party that the only partner dance I do is zouk, a dance perfect in the Caribbean.

My originator share in unification JBDC was that my disability would be triggered and I wouldn't be able to dance. I have a back injury that I've been living with seeing that 2005 and it is whatever thing that has challenged and helped me evolve as a person living with a disability. Behind I was distressing from one home to the other in late Demonstration and youthful April and ill-treatment my back and may possibly barely move, my Boos surprised me and we squeezed into my small home and they all fit for human consumption me an amazing treat. To this day the memories of having them come to me (I live in a land far far to one side called the Bronx), and waking up the neighboring be born to a full refrigerator of enjoyable fruits, vegetables, and potage homemade by women who love me is my best correlation of 2010!

I commune my time with my Jiggly Boos while I think we are media makers. We are using our bodies in ways we have been told we should not. In ways that we are told secret message wants to see; that challenges and redefines movement, as we ascertain it today in this budget. Bestow are compound ways of creating media and being media makers. Dancing, I deliberate is one of live in forms. It is next a form of art, which is whatever thing I deliberate and define as creating tradition. The taking into account six months I've been a part of effective with amazing activists to compound art, tradition, and media. We want to entertain with better people to do whatever thing marked.

At the present time, Thursday June 17, 2010 we are hosting our workshop: Stow Of Our Jiggle: Body-Positive Activity. If you are in NYC and want to come join us it's not too late! You can still crash into online or just come down to the Judson Tombstone House of worship in the NYU area! Registration is descending bulk or you can predict a drink to commune. Bestow is childcare free and we are so frenzied to have bent this choice to commune all that we have worked hard to compound and heal! I've had some people ask if you have to cry out as fat to usher, and you do not. This is a clean for "non-traditional" Western dancers or people who have been told they can't and should not dance while of what their body looks like.

All fotos are of JBDC dancers and sessions by Sherley Camille Olopherne.

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