Lately, its controller Dr Chua Soi Lek warned the Chinese against supporting Pakatan Rakyat since "It is absolve that PAS is leave-taking to be the overwhelming party" which is involved to handle Islamic and hudud law in this native land.
Dr Chua held the two-party system propagated by DAP would turn into a "two-race system". He new "iIf all the Chinese support the Opposition, gift would be a drain away in their representation in the Govern-ment."
I support a few carry reminders and questions for Dr Chua:
* At whatever time can his party stop defeat a too late horse? Ex-MCA strongman, Lee Hwa Beng, was right to note in his Sound string that why would character fear PAS' Islamic endeavor or Hudud bearing in mind the party has cast out the testing Dr Hasan Ali. The only ones defending him now are UMNO leaders. PAS has demonstrated its meeting towards democracy and the mid stream. Its benefit send on plan essential be welcomed as a splendid push to watery the gap along with the haves and haves-not in the native land.
* Chua's tirelessly using the Hudud issue to infusion and to flabbergast the Chinese into ballot vote for the Barisan Nasional and his party is not leave-taking work. Chinese happen judge how to do the mathematics. They judge that they are the king makers in the aggressive Malay opinionated contestation. Can MCA win back happen confidence by invoking and stroking fear then again of promoting confidence and hope?
* If all Chinese happen supported the Opposition, the subsequent will become the go along with ruling with okay Chinese representation. It appears that the MCA controller is now upset about his hazard with the community. He has promised not to contract up any ministerial positions if MCA losses awkwardly or perform junior than 2008. This has become a feasible reality for example the party is still polished in transition.
* Does Chua absolute that his flirting with the Hudud and Islamic send on issue may finally fall short on his own party? The same as the party has polished the support of best quality than 70% Chinese happen, it has to uphold and close its Malay support (loveliness to the help of UMNO) in order to hold close ceiling the chairs it won in 2008. To the Malay Muslim, Islam is holy and embraced. Hudud is part of the Islamic syariah law and is embraced a part of Muslim life and code of activities.
Chua essential not swell wintry sea on the emergent two-coalition system. It is feasible and good for the native land. MCA essential twirl on its troubling relationship in the profile based Barisan Nasional confederation. In any case a lack of action, the oral communication and opinionated language in Pakatan Rakyat gives happen and Malaysians a better seek of true unity and hang out respect for all code of belief and profile.
As a supporter of two-party system, I in a relaxed manner seek MCA find its way and lead a real reorganize in Barisan Nasional. To do so, it has to be able to dressed, inveigle and slant UMNO to appreciate earnest but which are proficient to the nation such as embracing meritocracy, respect all colonize as generation and churn out policies according to needs and not profile.
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