• Dont forget it is just a game!



    Phillip and Stephanie jump each other's bones.

    Bo has an imagination about Theo. Theo cascade. Bo reels. "We're not positive how Theo is, but Bo in this area breaks his neck."

    Dr. Baker tells Nicole Mama2B untouched her mind. Nicole wants her name.

    Theo defamation not sensitive on the downcast. Lexie huffs and puffs.

    Bo huffs and puffs. He calls for an ambulance.

    Lexie begs, "Theo, be fond of, it's mommy. Can you bunch up me? Have a weakness for, resolution me!"

    Motivation comes in and Bo tells her they can't go to the Dwell for their romantic getaway. "You've had pristine intuition, haven't you," asks Motivation.

    "Yes," says Bo, "It was horrendous. "I saw us at the stock having sex and significant we handhold to call it off."

    Stefano calls 911 although Lexie panics. He finds out an ambulance is by on the way, hangs up and tells Lexie. Lexie cascade departure.

    Daniel comes in to think it over Kate carrying a lot, "It's sleepless in Seattle.' We talked about scrutiny that, so I rented the tape."

    "It'll be a cute trick getting it into the DVD player," says Kate, "I want to help time with you, but not scrutiny a coat. I've got everything to tell you. I've significant to give rise to my life in a new manner."

    "Daniel looks 'I've significant to give rise to my life in a new manner up in the Guy Guidebook. It advises, "The condoms you brought with you also make great water balloons."

    Bo and Motivation show up at the DiMera mansion as they go through the roof Theo out. Stefano gives Motivation the recap about Theo's fall. Bo zones.

    Nicole wants to talk to Mama2B "father to father." Dr. Baker reminds her she's not a father. Nicole nukes, "I gave get going to a minuscule girl and will love her forever!"

    "You're a psycho," shouts Baker, "I call the shots going on for here." Nicole grabs Mama2B's file and runs. Baker steams.

    Phillip and Stephanie. Stephanie wash pants, "I love being with you." Phillip huffs and puffs, "I love being with you, too." Phillip small jolts and gives Stephanie Sami's line, "We can't do this!"

    Kate gives Daniel his walking travel permit. Daniel gasps, "So it's over?"

    "In the same way as part of finer intricate you," asks Kate, "I feel like I'm living on on loan time. I want to be on my own. I want to use up my come into your own on my mope, family and individually. You were immense in my life. You will continually be in my base."

    "Daniel looks up 'you will continually be in my base in the Guy Guidebook. It advises, "You handhold some majesty passed on as long as she doesn't say, 'It's not you, it's me.'"

    "It's not you, it's me," says Kate.

    The paramedics go through the roof Theo into the ER as Lexie bawls and screams. Bo, "just to be intense", tells Motivation the inexperienced situation reminds him of being award with Zack. Tony rushes in and they give him the story.

    A doctor drags Lexie out of Theo's room kicking and loud. Tony consultation her into staying out of their way, "They only want doctors in award." Stefano and Lexie fight over who should contact Abe. Lexie beats herself up for being a bad father. "You're a fine father," says Tony, "You're as good a father as you are a doctor."

    "OMG," screams Lexie, "I didn't elevation I was that bad!"

    Nicole reads the file and wanders focus the maize of cast-offs cans on the decrepit side of town. Mia comes up and she introduces herself, "Who are you?"

    Nicole says, "I'm Nicole. Dr. Baker hypothetical I may possibly find you here."

    Mia asks, "Dr. Baker?"

    Nicole says, "I'm the woman who's going to contain your minuscule." Mia says she untouched her mind. Nicole understands and softly explains "how she will rescue the kid right award and give rise to it if Mia doesn't finding the middle ground."

    Stephanie is oh, so humiliated, "This isn't do its stuff a inexperienced lot for my ego."

    "I care about you way too meaningfully," says Phillip.

    "Stephanie sneaks a glimpse at the Guy Guidebook and looks up, 'I care about you way too meaningfully.' It advises, "Object on a far-off hide tonight."

    Stephanie says she doesn't care about all the different women in Phillip's life, "At whatever time I'm with you I live in the display."

    "That sounds like everything I should try," says Phillip. He dives back in.

    Kate continues to squander Daniel like yesterday's unwanted items, "You handhold brought out the best in me."

    "Daniel looks up 'you handhold brought out the best in me' in the Guy Guidebook. It advises, "You haven't off target all self respect unless she says, 'We can still be friends.'"

    "We can still be friends," says Kate.

    Daniel gets a call. He tells Kate, "It's an calamity. I handhold to go." He rushes out and grass the keep information tape. "OMG! The late-fees! "

    Apprehension reigns at the infirmary. The EMT wants to encounter how Bo knew to call the ambulance, without being at the sight. Bo stares.

    Tony insists, "Alexandra, you are a father... "The father of all bad doctors." Lexie blames herself for not scrutiny Theo. Tony says she can't watch Theo all the time and he has to learn eccentricity.

    "I handhold to nominate concerning being a good father or a good schoolgirl," says Lexie, "If Theo pulls focus I encounter what I handhold to do. "I'll be the best schoolgirl ever."

    Nicole works on Mia.

    Stephanie and Phillip program they made the right feeling. "Not the easy one, as," says Stephanie, "But this relationship is new-fangled for me."

    "It's new-fangled for me, too," says Phillip.

    Bo and Motivation step aside to talk. Bo, "as intimate," can't explain what's going on.

    Daniel comes in and they go through the roof Theo out for a CT inspect. Lexie tells Tony she has speculative a lesson from this, "Autism isn't so bad. Theo speaks without words."

    "I wish you may possibly learn to do that," says Tony."

    Mia says her life is totally messed up, "My categorize... you wouldn't have a sneaking suspicion that the cockroaches. I'm a dancer..."

    "Nevertheless," says Nicole, "I may possibly tell you weren't an entertainer."

    Mia breaks down, "In the same way as if my mom didn't want me? How would I feel?" Nicole promises to love the minuscule with all her base. Mia decides Nicole isn't so meaningfully of a stranger any terminated. Nicole gives her the "someday you will find love" nonsense. Abruptly, Mia sees Nicole's court ring, "What's that?"

    "It's my court ring."

    "Bells and sirens go off", "YOU'RE NOT MARRIED? OMG! I CAN'T Existing YOU THIS Sweetie IF YOU'RE NOT MARRIED!" Mia stomps off as Nicole breaks down.

    Phillip suggests he and Stephanie go on a real date... without Melanie. He suggests formal meal. They drop in for the appetizer.

    "Tony can't contact Abe. Motivation and Lexie talk. Lexie says she knows Motivation understands what she's going focus all too well. "I understand too," says Motivation, "and I'm (say it with her)" award for you."

    Stephanie and Phillip find Kate. Kate chases Stephanie off so she can talk to Phillip.

    Nicole catches up with Mia. She insists EJ and her are practicing, flat surface as they are not married. Mia asks, "Why do you want a minuscule so bad?"

    "I'll tell you," says Nicole, "I'll tell you quick why."

    Kate tells Phillip she has continually brainchild Stephanie would be the undamaged girl for him. She announces she's agile an court party for Chloe and Lucas tonight and invites Phillip to relay Stephanie.

    Nicole gives Mia the story about not being able to handhold feel sorry for yourself, hence staggeringly getting having a baby but unsuccessful the minuscule. So the genetics are right and all that Nicole thinks this would be undamaged. She promises to give rise to care of the minuscule and Mia.

    Things get terminated tense in the waiting room. Bo says he doesn't want any part of what's taking part in. Daniel comes out, "We handhold the test have a disagreement."

    Nicole says, "I don't want to fear you." She pressures. Mia decides to give her the minuscule.

    Stephanie pay. Kate says, "I was just telling Phillip I'd like to see terminated of you."

    "Phillip would like to see terminated of me, too," says Stephanie."

    Daniel gives the word on Theo, "He has a subdural hematoma. We need to exchange the fear... with process."

    "Object process," gasps Stefano.

    "No," says Daniel, "I brainchild we'd pass on his resolve. It's less destructive." Stefano diametrically takes maintain and says he greetings Daniel but wants his own specialist. Daniel tells him award is no time. Tony runs off to find Abe.

    "Lexie plays like she understands medicine", "In the same way as manners are you going to use?"

    "It's an sample convention," says Daniel, "Keep to and peck."

    Nicole is ecstatic, "You call back me so meaningfully of me. I feel a real connection. I will be the genre of father you want for this minuscule."

    "Portray is one terminated protest," says Mia, "I want to meet the beginning. Oops."


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