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Sunday, November 21, 2010

How To Attract Girl Using Million Dollar Routine

How To Attract Girl Using Million Dollar Routine

I am now single again, so I shall post this lay report here. This is a little succes story of mine... I don't think I was particularly alpha but I did speak to a lot of sets. I havent showered.. Im wearing an old T-shirt.. sneakers.. and I could have used a shave.. but hey.. what the hell do I care right? I went to this bellydancing club like every other night for like 3 weeks There was a bunch of girls, some of them looked at me. There was a pretty baby near the bar. This chic was like a 5 so i didnt wanna be mean and say straight up no i got creative with it.

She looking glamorous: tall, fur coats, dark hair, striking good looks, sombre composure, air of royalty, etc. A voice in my head goes 'nahhh man. She'll probably just reject you like the last 5 girls. There's no point...But you must try!' So I went up to her and said 'Hey, what are you filming?' She responded well and we had a friendly chat for 20 seconds. I had finished playing and and moved very close to her, felt her breath. I advise Million dollar routine. It is great! I use it and it helps me. I tapping her on the shoulder. She said: 'I'm the ultimate sexual fantasy'. She would later prove this correct. 'You're so horny!' she gasps with faux shock. 'So are you' I respond casually, while giving her intense sex eyes.

Soon we were kissing and after that, doing some foreplay. I whispered in her ear oh sweet, that means you have to enjoy of life. She was a bit taken aback by my forwardness, but that was part of my intention. She said she like me, but didn't want to meet me b/c she was afraid that something like this would happen between me and her and that's why she ignored me. As we were talking I pulled her in close and kissed her neck. I was very relaxed and my vibe was like she was already my lover. However I was with this girl for 7 months.

Best Ways To Get A Girl title=

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