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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Talk To Beautiful Chick Using Logistics Techniques

Talk To Beautiful Chick Using Logistics Techniques

I am now single again, so I shall post this lay report here. Alright I haven't had time to write any FR reports of any kind, when you do so many it becomes pointless unless something unique happened which in this case makes it all the more worth while. I spending a lot of time in work and have been using my evenings practicing pick up. I wear my best star wars shirt that fit pretty well.. I went to the bar and ordered my drinks at the bar and had my drink and light up my cigarrete. There were some seats available. At the next table sat a girl of my dreams. Short stature, 5'1/5'2. Rectangular glasses (i like that), small waist and big tits.

Her long black hair all messy. I told myself 'today, I am going to go to the city and either get a daytime kiss or f..k this girl'. I just introduced myself. It would be practically impossible to get a word in edgewise with this blabbering girl. She become a little nervous, when I applied Logistics techniques, but then relaxed. It show how powerful assuming attraction can be if she is even slightly interested. I kept trying to leave silence/space to get her to invest. She was smiling, the silent tension was building. 'You're so horny!' she gasps with faux shock. 'So are you' I respond casually, while giving her intense sex eyes.

I was already holding her by the waist. After a few minutes I realized that she tasted exactly like mango... She was acting super sexual with kino. I spent most of the time sitting on a couch next to girl but not saying much. I say: That's cool. But why don't you just come to my home and when we're done I'll drop you to his place after?' She said: 'Yeah good idea.'. This night was awesome for me. I close her in toilet later.

How To Get Girls title=

Tags: get a girl for sex  hot to get a girl  way to get a girl  get a girl tonight  pick up lines  pick up method  pick up women in  tips on how to pick up women  dating women tips  

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