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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mypickup Beautiful Girl Using Time Bridging Method

Mypickup Beautiful Girl Using Time Bridging Method

Well I started getting laid alot around 15 cause I always had a girl friend. I got my heart broken when I was 21 so then I turned into what I call a man slut. Im 24 now and in 3 years ive slept with 20ish women. Where do I start... I was kind of bored so i decided to go out and have a few beers and hard liquors.. I wear my hair in longish spikes, and have a loop earing on each side, a goatee, and a labret piercing (lip). I went to the bar and stood next to an 8 drinking alone. There was a 5 girls sets across the room. One girl was sipping while looking at me. She was a HB8 and one of the sexiest girls i've been seen.

Her long black hair all messy. I think: I'm just gonna stay here and talk to these girl sitting here. We start with boring questions and that gives us more information to take the conversation to interesting places. I never gave too much of a response to her. I call this technique 'TV'. I ask her a stupid question and then long to hear her talk. I use Time bridging method. The result was great!. She listened to me very carefully and looked interested! After a bit of flirting I told her I needed some water and went to bar. She shakes her head while looking at the ground. I bought her and myself hot boba drinks less than $6.

Soon we were kissing and after that, doing some foreplay. She said: You're a creep.. My answer: Yeah. If women keep rewarding me for being creepy, I don't have much incentive to change. I take her hand and say 'lets have a little adventure'. I also begin doing a lot of what taught me on sexual kino by grabbing her waist by sinking my fingers in...hard to explain in words.. Suddenly, she gave me some bullshit about how she's not emotionally capable of the pressures of being a girlfriend or anything at the moment. She grinned a massive smile and pecked me on the cheek. We both laughed and I drove her home.

Get Your Girl Back title=

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