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Sunday, March 11, 2012

How To Meet A Cool Girl Using Good Lighter Routine

How To Meet A Cool Girl Using Good Lighter Routine

This was pretty much my first fully successful attempt after a long break in the pickup. Alright I haven't had time to write any FR reports of any kind, when you do so many it becomes pointless unless something unique happened which in this case makes it all the more worth while. I was kind of bored so i decided to go out and have a few beers and hard liquors.. I wear my hair in longish spikes, and have a loop earing on each side, a goatee, and a labret piercing (lip). I went to club and i've noticed that there's only few people There were some seats available. I saw very hot baby sit next to me. She was a 6 maybe 6.5 tops.

She had straight black hair and big ol' eyes, and this face that had a really great combination of innocent/cuteness with a total dirty naughty girl vibe. I think: 'Go for that girl in the elegant dress over there, I'm sure you'll get it.' I went and sat next to her and said 'You look lonely. My friends busy with a girl so I thought I'd join you.' She's surprised but flattered. I never gave too much of a response to her. I call this technique 'TV'. I ask her a stupid question and then long to hear her talk. I try to use Good lighter routine. This helps as usual. She giggled and smiled. I follow some of gamblers style on his stealth seduction. We keep talking, but all the meanwhile I'm grazing my fingers up and down the small of her back and around her hips. Woo, boring questions lead to interesting conversations!

I pushed her against the wall the she kissed me passionately. I say 'kiss my arm then' and she's not sold on the idea. I teased her to break rapport and did some fun flirty stuff and now it's time for qualification and getting to know her and making her invest. I'd say there was no consent on my part cuz I was so trashed and I had no intentions to actually bang anyone but it happened. I say: That's cool. But why don't you just come to my home and when we're done I'll drop you to his place after?' She said: 'Yeah good idea.'. later we go to her home, put some quiet music, had only her lava lamp on for light, and had some drinks. Then I close her on crotch.

Things To Say To Get A Girl title=

Tags: how to get a girl wet  picking up women  how to get a girl  picking up women  get a girl for sex  ways to get a girl back  pick up women guide  pick up girls  what is verbal communication in business  

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