* 2 Know Myself - 2 Know Myself is a site with a ton of helpful articles, two of which can help shy people. Getting over Shyness and Overcoming Shyness are two articles that give some really great tips to getting past being shy in any occasion.
* Angel Fire - Here is a site that provides articles on a variety of topics, but if you are a shy person you can beat it! Figure out how to be successful at dating when being shy.
* April Braswell - April Braswell is one of the top dating and relationship experts. So, it would be no surprise that if you are shy and looking for dating advice that this would be the place to look! You will not be disappointed....
* Dumb Little Man - Get tips for life from Dumb Little Man! The article to check out here if you are shy is "How to Finally Overcome Shyness"... this will help you succeed at getting to know others when you are shy.
* Girls Ask Guys - Here is a site with all the information dating related! If you are shy or wanting to ask someone who's shy on a date be sure to check out the article "How to Ask a Shy Girl on a Date (the right way)".
* How to Overcome Shyness - How to Overcome Shyness is a site dedicated to just that. Find out here how to become successful at dating while being shy.
* Hypnosis Downloads - A site dedicated to using hypnosis to help people with everyday problems. One of which is being shy. Check out Hypnosis Downloads article "Overcome Shyness and Social Anxiety" to solve this common problem.
* Intimate Weddings - Although this site doesn't fall directly under the dating category it does fall under the relationships category. Check out the article "Shy Brides: Tips for Easing Wedding Panic" to give you some great tips on overcoming shyness.
* Live Science - The article to check out on this site is "Secret to Overcoming Shyness Revealed.... Tentatively"! It will give you the insights on overcoming shyness.
* Made Man - If you are a guy and dating a shy girl and trying to figure out how to make a better connection with her or how to get over the awkwardness check out "How to Date a Shy Girl".
* More Self-Esteem - More self-esteem is a site that helps with just that, getting a higher self-esteem. Check out their article "Overcoming Shyness Tips" to get some truly great tips.
* My Modern Lifestyle - My Modern Lifestyle is all about living in our modern society. If you are shy and trying to figure out how to get over it check out their article "How to Overcome Shyness Quickly".
* Oasis Singles Blog - The article to check out on this site is "Love-Shy Singles: How to Overcome Shyness". If you are shy this article will definitely help you with overcoming it!
* Panic Anxiety Attack Help - This site is all about helping people who suffer from Panic attacks, anxiety attacks, or shyness. Check out their article "How to Overcome Shyness" to figure out tips on how to get past being shy.
* People Skills Decoded - Getting the right people skills can help you feel comfortable in any social situation... check out this sites article entitled "How to Overcome Shyness".
* Pick the Brain - Pick the Brain is a site dedicated to helping people grow. The article to check out here is "Overcoming Shyness", which will help you become more outgoing!
* Shake Your Shyness - This site covers shyness in all areas of life.... If you are trying to get a date and be successful at it, but you are shy here is all the information you need!
* Shyness Online - Shyness Online is the site to help anyone who is somewhat introverted and shy. This site can help them get overcome their shyness.
* Social Anxiety Shyness Info - Here is the site to get all the info you need when it comes to social anxiety, social phobia, and shyness! You will be guaranteed to find the tips you need to be successful in everyday life.
* Think Simple Now - This site gives you a moment of clarity.... Find the 20 ways to overcome shyness!
* Time Ideas - This site covers a number of topics, one of which is shyness. The article "Don't Call Introverted Children 'Shy'" shows the differences between being shy and introverted.
* Wes Psych - This site covers all things psychology related, one area covers shyness. Check out this article called "Overcoming Shyness", which will help you figure out how to get past being shy.
* Zen Habits - This site has a number of good ways to better yourself... the one article to check out here is "Eight Essential Tips to Overcoming Shyness and Making a Good Impression". This article has everything you need to know when it comes to being shy.
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