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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pick Up A Woman Using New Smile Routine

Pick Up A Woman Using New Smile Routine

I am 24 years and I was more than 30 women, but always learn something new. This happened with me some time ago, only got around to posting it up now. I was kind of bored so i decided to go out and have a few beers and hard liquors.. I decided to wear my new suit with gold embroidery. My girlfriend was away on a trip and I was bored. I decided to go to a club to have a drink and dance. I liked this place, many of the girls were hot and without the guys. I was stunned by the HB, who looked at me from the other end of the hall. She was a 6 maybe 6.5 tops.

It wasn't in a bitchy way though; it was more of a powerful feminine elegant way. I think: I'm just gonna stay here and talk to these girl sitting here. I went and sat next to her and said 'You look lonely. My friends busy with a girl so I thought I'd join you.' She's surprised but flattered. Shes showing signs that she doesnt want us to be together at first. I try new smile routine - she pecked at it as a kitten. I was a little alarmed its activity at first but the alcohol in my system chilled me out. We keep talking, but all the meanwhile I'm grazing my fingers up and down the small of her back and around her hips. Woo, boring questions lead to interesting conversations!

I was already holding her by the waist. I say 'kiss my arm then' and she's not sold on the idea. She was acting super sexual with kino. Suddenly she stopped my hand and mentioned she had a boyfriend. As we were talking I pulled her in close and kissed her neck. I was very relaxed and my vibe was like she was already my lover. However I was with this girl for 7 months.

Girl To Girl Dating title=

Tags: how to pick up women online  best way to get a girl  hot to get a girl  guide to pick up women  hot to get a girl  way to get a girl  how do you get a girl  dirt pick up lines  

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