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Monday, November 7, 2011

Get A Amazing Chick Using 111 Routine

Get A Amazing Chick Using 111 Routine

I felt I was sharing something that had been extremely important for me. This is the story of my life a couple of months ago. I had been drinking all day which is in no way uncommon for me. I decided to wear my new suit with gold embroidery. Later me and my friend were at the bar. There is a ridiculous surplus of sexy women in this place. There was a pretty baby near the bar. Not the most beautiful girl out there (though I've kind of stopped this rating thing would be around HB6.5), but she's really fun and intelligent.

Perfect tanned skin, athletic body and nice juicy tits, and short shorts and a tight top to show off her assets. I thought 'WOW she's hot!'. I say to her: Hey gorgeous why are you here alone? I noticed one of her psychological trait: She likes to disqualify herself. She will tend to disqualify herself a lot of times. I was a little changed her mood using 111 Routine. Its really helps. After 5 minutes she was obviously looking for my approval. Fishing for compliments. I then play a game with her. I tell her that under no circumstances is she to touch me. I keep talking to her. We are just talking about every day stuff. NOTE: we are not talking about sex or anything that is actually going on at the moment. I blew my load in short powerful bursts, on her hair, neck, chest, jacket, my pants, and a huge pool in my hand too.

She reciprocated physical interest to my kino. I looking into her eyes with full sexual intent. To gain some more investment I have her buy me a few drinks at the bar bouncing her around. During our sexually framed conversation, I got her to admit that she's a virgin. Then I decided to use my main weapon, I told her: 'You got me, secretly im the worlds greatest pick up artist and i go around the world teaching men how to get women into bed.( I then go into detail about it and talk about it with her for a few minutes, its all recorded if anyone wants to hear it). The night turned out better than I had expected to say the least. I close her.

The Single Woman title=

Tags: how to find a woman  get a girl back  tips how to get a girl  how to get a girl back  to get a girl  what to get a girl  how to get a girl frind  how to get a girl hot  boy pick up lines  how to grow self confidence  

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