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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mypickup Girl Using Qualification Method

Mypickup Girl Using Qualification Method

After giving my leg injury a 4 month rest I started running again. Maybe not too many tricks there, but I hope you enjoyed it! This was definitely not the first time I made an big impact on girls. I was on a black T-shirt, I made a cool hairstyle and the use of cologne. I was at rooftop bar sitting by myself. There were some seats available. One girl was sipping while looking at me. She seemed interesting and I became more curious about her.

It wasn't in a bitchy way though; it was more of a powerful feminine elegant way. I think: I'm just gonna stay here and talk to these girl sitting here. I sat down next to girl and open her with: 'How long have you been sitting here without me.' She said she was married. I said, what a coincidence, I am also married. Let's have a couple of cocktails. She said she does not mind. I never gave too much of a response to her. I call this technique 'TV'. I ask her a stupid question and then long to hear her talk. I advise qualification method. It is great! I use it and it helps me. I grab her hand and walk like I'm already her lover. After I thought 'man my touch escalation techniques and advanced calibration are so tight'. She giving me sex eyes and keeping her seductive antagonistic attitude, she was flirting with me.

I groping her ass, and eventually up her shirt. I was DLVing out the ass by being a really sloppy drunk piece of shit. I take her hand and say 'lets have a little adventure'. I also begin doing a lot of what taught me on sexual kino by grabbing her waist by sinking my fingers in...hard to explain in words.. I spent most of the time sitting on a couch next to girl but not saying much. I think she said this not because she doesn't want to be kissed, not because she doesn't know we will have sex, but because she wants to be seduced properly. Respect to that. So I ignore this words. It was awesome to be unwrapping her later in my home because it was awesome to have a near perfect body like that to hold, touch, and lick. I wass glad to close her.

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