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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Find A Amazing Chick Using Boyfriend Destroying Routines

Find A Amazing Chick Using Boyfriend Destroying Routines

I'm not very experienced pickup artist, but I know some tricks. Where do I start... On wednesday night i was at home just watching t.v, got nothing to do. I decided to go out and have a few beers. I decided to wear my new suit with gold embroidery. I joined two of my male friends and we go clubbing. I liked this place, many of the girls were hot and without the guys. One girl was sipping while looking at me. She was not too special.

Her long black hair all messy. I think: 'Go for that girl in the elegant dress over there, I'm sure you'll get it.' I start with: 'im arguing with my mate over weather to get a stripper for our mates stag do next weekend, hes completletey against the idea because he thinks that our mates fiance will kick off about it.... what you thinking..?'. I never gave too much of a response to her. I call this technique 'TV'. I ask her a stupid question and then long to hear her talk. I use Boyfriend Destroying Routines. The result was great!. She listened to me very carefully and looked interested! I getting into more sexual state, sitting closer to her, triangular gazing, etc. She is very experienced with guys and talks a lot about the terrible dates she's been on. I was glad: I picked up on that one and changed it up the dynamic.

Later that night, we went to several clubs. She happily obliged, and proceeded to sit on my lap. I take her hand and say 'lets have a little adventure'. I also begin doing a lot of what taught me on sexual kino by grabbing her waist by sinking my fingers in...hard to explain in words.. I spent most of the time sitting on a couch next to girl but not saying much. I knew she just wanted to feel safe so I expect she ask some provocative things to see how I would react. So I reacted as taught by Mystery: just ignore this words. Lucky for me I have some experience in closing girls in toilet. So after some drinks we go to toilet. And I close her. It was amazing!

Where Can I Get Baggy Sweatpants For Girls title=

Tags: how to get a girl  poem to get a girl back  how do you pick up women  how to get a girl hot  women to pick up  lines to pick up women  picking up women  change minds  

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