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Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Pick Up Cool Girl Using Boyfriend Destroying Routines

My Pick Up Cool Girl Using Boyfriend Destroying Routines

So this has happened to me before and I found the cure. Maybe not too many tricks there, but I hope you enjoyed it! I had been drinking all day which is in no way uncommon for me. This time I was great: My hair had been styled and I had shaved off my scraggy hobo beard. I went to the bar and ordered my drinks at the bar and had my drink and light up my cigarrete. There were a lot of girls, but few of them was hot. I spotted girl sitting in the crowd. She was a HB8 and one of the sexiest girls i've been seen.

It wasn't in a bitchy way though; it was more of a powerful feminine elegant way. I think: 'Why not? Would you rather walk by yourself just looking at her? What do you have to lose?' I said to her: I love your style. You've got a great look - you must be very creative. She says 'you're weird'. And I say 'thank you' with a grin. I try Boyfriend Destroying Routines - its really work! I whispering to her ears. Quite in general we mostly talk about dating, sex, male-female relations. She is very smart and knows a lot about this subject. As much as I do. Interestingly she is extremely familiar with all the pickup literature, dating dynamics etc. I find that hilarious. I've been doing this type of seduction before and I just realized it's from Donnie Darko.

I asked her how hard she was having to control herself now. She laughed again and said, 'but I'm enjoying it'. She would let it go until it reached her crotch then she would shoo it away. She was acting super sexual with kino. She seems was interested but she said she was a virgin. I say: That's cool. But why don't you just come to my home and when we're done I'll drop you to his place after?' She said: 'Yeah good idea.'. This night was awesome for me. I close her in toilet later.

Asking A Girl Out title=

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