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Sunday, December 5, 2010

How To Pick Female Up Using Dork Slang Routines

How To Pick Female Up Using Dork Slang Routines

I was 20 (almost 21) when I lost my virginity. This happened with me some time ago, only got around to posting it up now. I had been drinking all day which is in no way uncommon for me. I love rap style, I wore my best shirt, shorts and sneakers, a red bandanna. I went to this bellydancing club like every other night for like 3 weeks There is a ridiculous surplus of sexy women in this place. One HB sitting at a nearby table and looked directly at me. This chic was like a 5 so i didnt wanna be mean and say straight up no i got creative with it.

She seems really confident and direct. I just said to myself 'I just want this girl and I will get it'. I said to her: I love your style. You've got a great look - you must be very creative. I never gave too much of a response to her. I call this technique 'TV'. I ask her a stupid question and then long to hear her talk. One method that seems dork slang routines to help me prepare relax her. Her eyes lit up. Quite in general we mostly talk about dating, sex, male-female relations. She is very smart and knows a lot about this subject. As much as I do. Interestingly she is extremely familiar with all the pickup literature, dating dynamics etc. I find that hilarious. 'You did a really good job of just making me feel comfortable' she said.

I told her she could sit on my lap. She would let it go until it reached her crotch then she would shoo it away. Sometimes I break rapport by not being interested and darting my eyes around. This is my usual tactics, it's a game, flirting, and this worked this time too. I'd say there was no consent on my part cuz I was so trashed and I had no intentions to actually bang anyone but it happened. As we were talking I pulled her in close and kissed her neck. I was very relaxed and my vibe was like she was already my lover. It was awesome to be unwrapping her later in my home because it was awesome to have a near perfect body like that to hold, touch, and lick. I wass glad to close her.

How To Get Girl Back title=

Tags: how can i get a girl  pick up women online  best pick up women  ways to get a girl  best pick up women  pua pick up  how do i get a girl  nlp pick up  haldeman julius  

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