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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

He Interacts With A Woman

He Interacts With A Woman Image
David Wygant - Girls tell allDavid Wygant ISBN: N/a 2006 MP3/128 kbps 215 Mb

Most "average" guys, on the other hand, NEVER take the time to learn what a beautiful woman is all about.

I've see it a thousand times in guys I coach: There he is out trying to approach women, set up dates, and then take everything to the next level. But it's like trying to ride a bike without ever learning how to move the pedals or keep your balance. And the result is he falls down... time after time.If any of this rings true for you, you need to stop right there. This subtle power of understanding and seduction is already inside you - it's been right under your nose for your entire life.Of course, like most guys, there've probably been times when you "got lucky" - where things just clicked with a woman. You know the feeling... the flirting... the sexual tension... the fun... all of it was automatic. And you couldn't help but feel good about how smoothly you operated.But the problem was that when you went out again and tried to duplicate your success... it just wasn't the same. No response... no where near the same level of chemistry or attraction like you experienced before.Meanwhile, the "naturally successful" guy has a consistently different experience. You see, each time he interacts with a woman he...

Kiss A Amazing Women Using Dealing Shit Tests

Kiss A Amazing Women Using Dealing Shit Tests

Before this im was a virgin. This is a little succes story of mine... Yesterday I was running had the Approach Energy infield workshop. I havent showered.. Im wearing an old T-shirt.. sneakers.. and I could have used a shave.. but hey.. what the hell do I care right? I headed to the this club alone. This place look more like restaurant. I saw a gorgeous baby, who was sipping. She looked so fucking hot.

Tall.. fit.. Raven hair.. nice olive skin.. obviously atleast part italian by her facial features.. I think: 'Go for that girl in the elegant dress over there, I'm sure you'll get it.' I open her ' you know if they have any Sage Francis here?' She looks at me like I'm retarded. 'Who?' 'He's an underground rapper. I thought you'd know, you kind of have the Newbury comics look.' This makes her laugh. I liked the way she moves, gestures, so, just for shits and giggles. After I applied Dealing Shit Tests, it can be taken with bare hands. I talking and touching her lower back maintaining great eye contact. Sha said: I just have to go to the toilet' She left, came back. I thought, 'This is a good sign, because she could not come back from the toilet'. For some reason though, her body language was like a bit weird with me, i think she was either freaked out about the small world situation.

I kind of rolled with that and used that to pump the sexual tension. I'm grazing my leg up against hers really sensually, but with clear intent. She was acting super sexual with kino. Suddenly, she gave me some bullshit about how she's not emotionally capable of the pressures of being a girlfriend or anything at the moment. I told her about how she will missing out. 2 minutes later she's said: 'I'm all yours...'. Pretty big turn around for someone being so rejecting me minutes before. This night was awesome for me. I close her in toilet later.

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