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Friday, April 8, 2011

Ways To Pick Up Amazing Chick Using Isolation Technique

Ways To Pick Up Amazing Chick Using Isolation Technique

Im not good looking or that im not a smooth talker its just i think im too picky. This happened with me some time ago, only got around to posting it up now. On wednesday night i was at home just watching t.v, got nothing to do. I decided to go out and have a few beers. I went out in completely pink, and it look great! I went to this bellydancing club like every other night for like 3 weeks This place look more like restaurant. There was a pretty baby near the bar. She seemed interesting and I became more curious about her.

Tall.. fit.. Raven hair.. nice olive skin.. obviously atleast part italian by her facial features.. I caught her because I was pretending to be asleep but I'd open my eyes and catch her. I approached her and said 'Hey, its great day. I just try to pick you up now.'.I introduced myself. She responded warmly to this, laughed, and introduced herself. She blushes and then starts trying to tell some unrelated story, her voice going higher and higher and her leaving lots of half finished sentences. 'so i was univeresity...and there was a wait a guy...wait what am i saying? oh um...uhhh.....'. She blushed a bit when I was using Isolation Technique, but after this communication has become warmer. After a bit of flirting I told her I needed some water and went to bar. We keep talking, but all the meanwhile I'm grazing my fingers up and down the small of her back and around her hips. Woo, boring questions lead to interesting conversations!

I asked her how hard she was having to control herself now. She laughed again and said, 'but I'm enjoying it'. I say 'kiss my arm then' and she's not sold on the idea. I put my hands on her hips inside her shirt, then went to finger her. I spent most of the time sitting on a couch next to girl but not saying much. I think she said this not because she doesn't want to be kissed, not because she doesn't know we will have sex, but because she wants to be seduced properly. Respect to that. So I ignore this words. later we go to her home, put some quiet music, had only her lava lamp on for light, and had some drinks. Then I close her on crotch.

How To Get A Girl To Want To Have Sex title=

Tags: get a girl to have sex  pick up lines  get a girl online  pick up women guide  pick up artist  how do i get a girl  can t get a girl  pick up clubs  relationship saver  

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