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Friday, August 26, 2011

How 2 Get A Cool Baby Using Dhv Stories

How 2 Get A Cool Baby Using DHV Stories

Before this im was a virgin. Maybe not too many tricks there, but I hope you enjoyed it! I spending a lot of time in work and have been using my evenings practicing pick up. I wear my hair in longish spikes, and have a loop earing on each side, a goatee, and a labret piercing (lip). A few friends and I were pre-gaming with 80 proof liquor and walk into the bar. There was a bunch of girls, some of them looked at me. And then I saw this HB in three steps from me! This one was 5'6 or so, skinny, with a beautiful ass.

Brown skin, toned stomach and perfect tight ass. I think: 'Why not? Would you rather walk by yourself just looking at her? What do you have to lose?' My first words was: 'I can to help you uncover your inner goddess...'. 'Oooooooo' she said...'that goddess...'. She was very turned on by my choice of words. Not sure how to deal with that exactly. I try to use DHV stories. This helps as usual. She giggled and smiled. We got to crown and chilled out at the water fountain thing for a while. The tension kept building. For some reason though, her body language was like a bit weird with me, i think she was either freaked out about the small world situation.

I pushed her against the wall the she kissed me passionately. I put my hand on her neck, and her pulse was through the roof. To gain some more investment I have her buy me a few drinks at the bar bouncing her around. Suddenly, she gave me some bullshit about how she's not emotionally capable of the pressures of being a girlfriend or anything at the moment. I took her to the arm and we spent ages kissing each other up. Her body was so warm and slippery, it was so much fun. This night me and the angel were sleeping together.

How To Get The Girl Of Your Dreams title=

Tags: picking up women  pua pick up  ways to get a girl back  how to get a girl hot  tips how to get a girl  best places to pick up women  get up girl  poem to get a girl back  confident communication skills  

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