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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Find A Female Using Freeze Outs

Find A Female Using Freeze Outs

Now that I'm 29 and have slept with about 22 girls. Here's one of my lay reports. Sure some people can do things quicker and maybe better.. but Ijust have fun with it.. I spending a lot of time in work and have been using my evenings practicing pick up. I wear darker colored slim fit jeans and the right pair of sneakers. I noticed what I look better than the most guys I meet. I went to the bar and ordered my drinks at the bar and had my drink and light up my cigarrete. Sexy girls dancing on the dance floor, but they were with the guys. There was a chick who kept looking at the top button of my shirt and at my crotch. She seemed interesting and I became more curious about her.

She had a slim body and looked attractive. As I came closer I could see she was a little older, but still very attractive. She had jet black short hair, wore glasses and had a very pretty face. Seems She was 25-27, but could easily pass for 22. I caught her because I was pretending to be asleep but I'd open my eyes and catch her. I went to her: 'You're really horny aren't you. Blah-Blah'. I had finished playing and and moved very close to her, felt her breath. freeze outs really helped me with this girl. I advise this method. It is great! I got lots of kino. The conversation was filled with sexual tension. I was glad: I picked up on that one and changed it up the dynamic.

I asked her how hard she was having to control herself now. She laughed again and said, 'but I'm enjoying it'. I'm standing next to her giving her a hellfire eyes burn. She was acting super sexual with kino. I think one of my problems is I am a little shy. Then I decided to use my main weapon, I told her: 'You got me, secretly im the worlds greatest pick up artist and i go around the world teaching men how to get women into bed.( I then go into detail about it and talk about it with her for a few minutes, its all recorded if anyone wants to hear it). It just happened that we ended up together on a bed in her home.

Poem To Get A Girl Back title=

Tags: learn to pick up women  poem to get a girl back  how get a girl  pick up ladies  poems to get a girl  pick up artist  how can i get a girl  pick up a girl  tyler durdden  pick up lines cheesy tagalog  

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