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Monday, March 26, 2012

How To Get A Cute Baby Using Good Lighter Routine

How To Get A Cute Baby Using Good Lighter Routine

This was pretty much my first fully successful attempt after a long break in the pickup. Where do I start... Yesterday I was running had the Approach Energy infield workshop. Given my recent makeover, I looked great. Haha I went to a very cool nightclub There was a lot of hot girls and for some reason, little guys. There was this one cute girl sitting by herself in the VIP area with a chair blocking the entrance to prevent anyone from coming thru. She must have been fat and lost weight or something.

She had a slim body and looked attractive. As I came closer I could see she was a little older, but still very attractive. She had jet black short hair, wore glasses and had a very pretty face. Seems She was 25-27, but could easily pass for 22. I told myself 'today, I am going to go to the city and either get a daytime kiss or f..k this girl'. I just said to her: 'I'm a pretty popular guy, but today I am willing to exchange my popularity to one your kiss'. She laughed. I felt great, giving her a confidence boost. Good lighter routine work fine when I try it. It show how powerful assuming attraction can be if she is even slightly interested. She was clearly trying to kiss me by moving closer, looking at my lips, and trailing her sentences off. I was so glad to have field experience and calibration.

I kind of rolled with that and used that to pump the sexual tension. I knew she was into me but I had to let her know she was getting laid so she would relax and flow with it. I told her it runs in my nature I was born with a unusually big penis.. rudeness comes from allot of testosterone cant help it! all genetics baby.. She laughed. She seems was interested but she said she was a virgin. Then I decided to use my main weapon, I told her: 'You got me, secretly im the worlds greatest pick up artist and i go around the world teaching men how to get women into bed.( I then go into detail about it and talk about it with her for a few minutes, its all recorded if anyone wants to hear it). We got to my place, went inside and I slowly undressed her. She had a killer body so I took my time slowly unwrapping her. Then I close her.

How To Get Girls To Like Me title=

Tags: how do you pick up women  learn to pick up women  ten ways to get a girl  lines to get a girl  lines to pick up women  how do u get a girl  pick up advice  the art of body language  

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