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Monday, April 9, 2012

My Pick Up Cool Women Using Dual Reality Dhv Method

My Pick Up Cool Women Using Dual Reality DHV Method

I post this here because I've been busy with my studies and other activites. It was just after I had finished The Masterclass. I was kind of bored so i decided to go out and have a few beers and hard liquors.. Given my recent makeover, I looked great. I stumble into the bar and sit at a table There were a lot of hot girls. One HB sitting at a nearby table and looked directly at me. She's a 8.5 from far away and a 7 up close.

She wasn't too big. Long hair up to his neck area. Wearing a black pants with a sharp nice looking black blazer. I think: Go to her. Are you the kind of guy that deserves hot girls? I said 'hmm, are you a good kisser?' she says 'yes' She giggled. At this time I have successfully used Dual reality DHV method. I put my hands to her thighs. She was clearly trying to kiss me by moving closer, looking at my lips, and trailing her sentences off. She shivered and shot me a seductive glance.

I kind of rolled with that and used that to pump the sexual tension. I knew she was into me but I had to let her know she was getting laid so she would relax and flow with it. To gain some more investment I have her buy me a few drinks at the bar bouncing her around. During our sexually framed conversation, I got her to admit that she's a virgin. I think this actually took a bit of pressure off the sex that would follow and made her a lot more relaxed. After having some drinks (collectively finishing a bottle of Bombay Sapphire) and a lot of fun, I suggested to go to my home. There I was close her twice.

Be The Guy Who Gets The Girl title=

Tags: best places to pick up women  how can i get a girl  lines to pick up women  ways to get a girl back  get a girl tonight  pick up clubs  tips how to get a girl  pictures of non verbal communication  

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