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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Find A Pretty Women Using K Closing Technique

Find A Pretty Women Using K Closing Technique

I have one very strict no-virgin policy because they can get clingy. This is a little succes story of mine... I was kind of bored so i decided to go out and have a few beers and hard liquors.. I'm pretty short (5'3) but I wear a good ol pair of Chuck tailors. I also have a worn Pair of leather Elevator shoes that make me 5'6. I went to the bar and ordered my drinks at the bar and had my drink and light up my cigarrete. The location was very suitable for a pickup, there was a dance floor and sofas, and lots of booze. I spotted girl sitting in the crowd. She seemed interesting and I became more curious about her.

She had straight black hair and big ol' eyes, and this face that had a really great combination of innocent/cuteness with a total dirty naughty girl vibe. I think: I'm just gonna stay here and talk to these girl sitting here. I'm say 'Hi, You can trust me, I'm a professional makeup artist. If you want I'm giving you a makeover'. I liked the way she moves, gestures, so, just for shits and giggles. I advise K Closing technique. It is great! I use it and it helps me. Now this whole area of knowing when a girl is REALLY resisting and when its just part of a game to her is a VERY fine line. I kept trying to leave silence/space to get her to invest. She was smiling, the silent tension was building. Woo, boring questions lead to interesting conversations!

She reciprocated physical interest to my kino. After a few minutes I realized that she tasted exactly like mango... She was a bit taken aback by my forwardness, but that was part of my intention. I spent most of the time sitting on a couch next to girl but not saying much. I ignore this and buried my face in her cleavage and she moaned. Her skin was so soft and warm and it felt great. This night me and the angel were sleeping together.

How To Get A Girl To Be Your Girlfriend title=

Tags: ways to get a girl back  how to find a woman  ib pick up lines  pick up line  get a girl back  how to pick up women online  pick up women online  get any girl  communication skills resume  how to get a girl to love you back  

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