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Friday, January 21, 2011

Talk To Cool Lady Using Freeze Outs

Talk To Cool Lady Using Freeze Outs

I was only 23 years old, but I've tried a lot of girls in my life (12 at all). This is a really long story but I'll try to keep it brief. This was definitely not the first time I made an big impact on girls. I decided to wear my new suit with gold embroidery. Later me and my friend were at the bar. There were a lot of hot girls. One girl passed near and accidentally touched me with his elbow. This one was 5'6 or so, skinny, with a beautiful ass.

She had straight black hair and big ol' eyes, and this face that had a really great combination of innocent/cuteness with a total dirty naughty girl vibe. I caught her because I was pretending to be asleep but I'd open my eyes and catch her. I said to girl: You look interesting, I'd like to get to know you. She wasn't showing any kind of intent non-verbally either, her voice was still social and polite, so it came as a huge shock. freeze outs helped me put her into a small trance. I got lots of kino. She is very experienced with guys and talks a lot about the terrible dates she's been on. I was glad: I picked up on that one and changed it up the dynamic.

She reciprocated physical interest to my kino. She happily obliged, and proceeded to sit on my lap. She was acting super sexual with kino. Suddenly, she gave me some bullshit about how she's not emotionally capable of the pressures of being a girlfriend or anything at the moment. She grinned a massive smile and pecked me on the cheek. Lucky for me I have some experience in closing girls in toilet. So after some drinks we go to toilet. And I close her. It was amazing!

How To Get Any Girl To Want You title=

Tags: get that girl  to get a girl  how to pick up women online  poem to get a girl back  mystery pick up  using nlp  get a girl tonight  how to find a woman  non verbal communication images  calle zorro  

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