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Saturday, November 27, 2010

Impress A Chicks Using Mystery Negs Routines

Impress A Chicks Using Mystery Negs Routines

I felt I was sharing something that had been extremely important for me. I want to share this story... I was kind of bored so i decided to go out and have a few beers and hard liquors.. This time I was great: My hair had been styled and I had shaved off my scraggy hobo beard. I joined two of my male friends and we go clubbing. There was a lot of hot girls and for some reason, little guys. I see some delicious tanned legs on the other side. This chic was like a 5 so i didnt wanna be mean and say straight up no i got creative with it.

She had a slim body and looked attractive. As I came closer I could see she was a little older, but still very attractive. She had jet black short hair, wore glasses and had a very pretty face. Seems She was 25-27, but could easily pass for 22. I just said to myself 'I just want this girl and I will get it'. So I went up to her and said 'Hey, what are you filming?' She responded well and we had a friendly chat for 20 seconds. I noticed one of her psychological trait: She likes to disqualify herself. She will tend to disqualify herself a lot of times. One method that seems Mystery negs routines to help me prepare relax her. I moved the chair so that i can sit beside her so that i can talk more comfortable. She said: 'I'm the ultimate sexual fantasy'. She would later prove this correct. She giving me sex eyes and keeping her seductive antagonistic attitude, she was flirting with me.

I playing with her panty line. I whispered in her ear oh sweet, that means you have to enjoy of life. I teased her to break rapport and did some fun flirty stuff and now it's time for qualification and getting to know her and making her invest. She said she like me, but didn't want to meet me b/c she was afraid that something like this would happen between me and her and that's why she ignored me. I said: I have to be honest with you. What's totally unique about this situation is that 99% of the girls I meet I can never just hang out with and chill and have great conversation and chemistry like you and I are having. Feel this comfortable with someone the physical part of it too is on an equal level.'. She agree with me. However I was with this girl for 7 months.

Get Girls To Chase You title=

Tags: flirt using kokology  approach pocket dial  pick beautiful 111  mypickup magnet method  cute 111 routine  how cool psychic  get band slam  pick girl  nlp training australia  

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