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Saturday, April 3, 2010

How To Attract Cool Lady Using New Smile Routine

How To Attract Cool Lady Using New Smile Routine

Though i had a crasy night with closing i had good field report. This is a really long story but I'll try to keep it brief. Yesterday I was running had the Approach Energy infield workshop. I wear Brooks Brother's blazer. I have piercings and grow facial hair and have a tattoe. I went to an upscale massage/salon place There is a ridiculous surplus of sexy women in this place. I saw the hot babe sitting around the corner. This chic was like a 5 so i didnt wanna be mean and say straight up no i got creative with it.

Her long black hair all messy. I told myself 'today, I am going to go to the city and either get a daytime kiss or f..k this girl'. I playfully open her - 'Hi, I wanted to marry you and live in a house with a white picket fence and 2.5 kids'. She giggled and agreed.. Shes showing signs that she doesnt want us to be together at first. new smile routine really helped me with this girl. I advise this method. It is great! I grabbing her by the arm. I still used this to my advantage by looking at her sideways with a cheeky grin, and every time she looked back I'd look away. She was smiling. We were totally on the same wavelength game wise and humour wise.

Soon we were kissing aggressively, pressed against the bench. We kept talking, and every now and then I would run my hand up her leg. I told her it runs in my nature I was born with a unusually big penis.. rudeness comes from allot of testosterone cant help it! all genetics baby.. She laughed. She said 'No! Not here!'. I just ignore this and start to test how compliant she is to kino and close physical proximity by simply hugging her, standing close, touching her arms, etc. She is very receptive. Excellent. We get to her house, and drop off her groceries and clothers. Rest of the night was perfect. I close her many times.

Dating Women title=

Tags: sweet baby wealthy  girl fluff  talk backpacker  girl rubbing  flirt baby using  pick easy close  amazing baby talk  lady birthday  pick using negative  nlp training certification  

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