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Friday, May 6, 2011

How To Flirt With Chick Using Fluff Talk

How To Flirt With Chick Using Fluff Talk

Well I started getting laid alot around 15 cause I always had a girl friend. I got my heart broken when I was 21 so then I turned into what I call a man slut. Im 24 now and in 3 years ive slept with 20ish women. This is the story of my life a couple of months ago. On wednesday night i was at home just watching t.v, got nothing to do. I decided to go out and have a few beers. I'm pretty short (5'3) but I wear a good ol pair of Chuck tailors. I also have a worn Pair of leather Elevator shoes that make me 5'6. I went to the bar and ordered my drinks at the bar and had my drink and light up my cigarrete. There were some seats available. There was a chick who kept looking at the top button of my shirt and at my crotch. She was a HB8 and one of the sexiest girls i've been seen.

She's got a pretty cute face, but her body is killer. I said to myself: Shit that's one hot babe, i should go talk to her! I walk to he and said 'Hey...tell me about...your dress' in a slow seductive voice. She started telling me about it... She blushes and then starts trying to tell some unrelated story, her voice going higher and higher and her leaving lots of half finished sentences. 'so i was univeresity...and there was a wait a guy...wait what am i saying? oh um...uhhh.....'. I use fluff talk. The result was great!. She listened to me very carefully and looked interested! I got lots of kino. The conversation was filled with sexual tension. I was glad: I picked up on that one and changed it up the dynamic.

I also did a lot of other kino escalations that I won't describe here for the sake of brevity. I'm standing next to her giving her a hellfire eyes burn. I was super dominant and sexual, groaning and breathing really heavy in her ears. We get all hot and heavy and next thing you know im sucking her tits. She asks me to stop. I just ignore this and start to test how compliant she is to kino and close physical proximity by simply hugging her, standing close, touching her arms, etc. She is very receptive. Excellent. It was a strange new toilet close experience.

Approaching Women title=

Tags: using polar  cool duckie technique  hot amog  ways cool pull  baby women routine  women ankle routine  girl frame control  cool using techniques  pick beautiful 111  men body language  body language books review  

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